10 Best Selenium Tutorials for Beginners [2024 JUL]— Learn Selenium Online

Learn Selenium to become a better test developer and quality engineer with the best Selenium tutorials for beginners in 2024.

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10 min readApr 13, 2018


Selenium Webdriver is one of the most well-known testing frameworks. It is an open source project that allows testers and developers alike to develop functional tests to drive the browser. Selenium Webdriver can work on any browser that supports JavaScript since Selenium has been built using

1. Selenium Webdriver Complete Course — Build A Framework

The #1 Selenium WebDriver course in the world helps you to create a test automation framework with 0 prior knowledge.

Since nobody teaches QA Engineers how to build an amazing test automation framework using Selenium WebDriver, I decided to do so.

The Complete Selenium WebDriver with C# course is crafted carefully by professionals to turn a complete beginner into the greatest Automation Test Engineers. With this course, you will be able to write Selenium WebDriver tests within minutes!

Your Selenium tests will be easy to read and understand. Writing tests will withstand the test of time.

Everything is carefully planned and executed in high quality video tutorials. The tutorials are full of exercises on real applications to ensure higher retention rates.

What is automation testing?

  • Learn a bit about test automation and how to do it well, regardless of tools.

What is Selenium WebDriver?

  • Understand what Selenium WebDriver is and why use it

How to install the correct tools for the course?

  • Learn proper installation of tools for the course

Element Identification with Selenium

  • Master critical skills required to identify elements on any web page

Mouse and Keyboard Interactions

  • Understand the importance of using mouse and keyboard interactions to do things like drag and drop

Implicit and Explicit Waits

  • Learn when to use one over the other

Automation Testing Best Practices

Regardless of the tool that you use, you need to know automation best practices that will make any of your tests extremely stable. Master four critical rules and principles:

  • Single Responsibility Principle
  • Don’t Repeat Yourself
  • Page Object Pattern
  • Acceptance Test Driven Automation

Selenium WebDriver Automation Frameworks for Two Web Apps

  • Use one app to practice WebDriver automation framework evolution — Practice on one web application that will teach you how to maintain your test automation code over time as things change. Your code will remain rock solid.
  • Use second app to practice Selenium WebDriver framework organization — Perform test automation on a second web application where you will learn how to create different features and tests for your framework. Your test architecture and organization will be flawless.

Creating logs and reports

  • Just plug and play — Take your framework to the next level as you learn how to easily and quickly create beautiful HTML reports and logs.


  • The only C# tutorial on the web designed specifically for test automation engineers using Selenium WebDriver. Master everything that you need for phenomenal test automation. Don’t waste your time on lessons that you don’t need to learn.

Other course features

  • Utilizing Selenium WebDriver 3.0+
  • Utilizing the latest automation testing frameworks

2. Selenium WebDriver with Java — Basics to Advanced& Interview

Join with us-”Top Ranked #1 Master Selenium java course — 36,000+ students learning together with great collaboration.

This course covers Java Basics core + Selenium Webdriver + Advanced Selenium + Interview Preparation + Framework design ( TestNG, ANT, Pageobject, Maven, Jenkins, Excel Datadriven, Cucumber, log4j ) + Selenium Grid + DataBase Testing + Performance Testing on Selenium scripts + Mobile testing Basics + Resume Preparation including “ Life Time Support (On Demand skype sessions) + Material + Job Assistance- (US, India, Canada)

Topics include:

  1. Designs of Selenium
  2. Java OOPS
  3. Basics Webdriver Architecture
  4. loops holes in depreciated Versions of Selenium
  5. Websites in Firefox, Chrome, IE End to End
  6. Webdriver API methods
  7. Live Examples in Automating Web applications in all supported Browsers
    Strategy to handle Rich Web UI using Advanced WebDriver API
  8. Real-time challenges we face in WebDriver and solutions to handle it
  9. Cross Browser Testing with Selenium Grid
  10. Load Testing with Selenium
  11. Mobile testing with selenium
  12. Database Testing with Selenium
  13. Framework Design ( TestNG, ANT, PageObject, Maven, Jenkins, Excel Datadriven, Cucumber, log4j )

3. Selenium Webdriver with Java Language

This course will help you in learning advanced techniques for testing web applications with Webdriver (Selenium 2.0).

Chapter One

1. Configuring Webdriver in Eclipse
2. Running Sample code using Webdriver
3. Firefox profile, WebDriver DesiredCapabilities Class
4. Close and Quit, HTMLUnit driver

Chapter Two

1. Xpath and their usage with Webdriver
2. Xpath Function,Absolute and Relative Xpaths
3. Xpath finding Links, Buttons, Input box, Radio buttons, Checkbox

Chapter Three

1. WebDriver, WebElement Interface
2. Handling drop down list using Select class
3. Taking Screenshots with selenium Webdriver
4. Finding whether object is present on page or not

Chapter Four

1. Implicit and Explicit waits
2. WebDriverWait Class
3. ExpectedConditions class
4. WaitUntil Condition

Chapter Five

1. Handling Multiple Browser Window
2. Handling JavaScript Alert
3. Attaching files with Webdriver
4. JavaScriptExecutor

4. Selenium WebDriver-Working With Elements

Master web element identification, manipulation, and interrogation using Selenium WebDriver.

This course is a complete guide on working with web elements in Selenium WebDriver. Once you are finished with this course, you will know how to work with any web elements, any time, on any web application.

What will you learn?

  • Basics of HTML
  • All the different locator strategies for Selenium WebDriver
  • How to identify web elements using Selenium WebDriver
  • Master XPath
  • Navigation with Selenium WebDriver
  • Web element manipulation
  • Web element interrogation
  • Mouse and keyboard actions with Selenium WebDriver
  • Performing actions such as drag n’ drop, drawing, hovering
  • Implicit and Explicit waits
  • How to properly handle element identification so that your tests are not flaky
  • Expected Conditions in Selenium WebDriver.

5. Selenium WebDriver with C# for Beginners + Live Testing Site

Selenium is the most popular tool to test websites! Join me and hundreds of students to learn Selenium Webdriver!

Selenium Webdriver is a free automation testing tool for web applications. It is able to work with different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera and simulate human like behavior. Selenium is able to interact with all the different elements in a webpage. It can click on them, input text, extract text and much more. By covering all the different functionalities on your website with Selenium tests, you will be able to quickly catch new and reappearing old bugs. This will save your team time and money.

This course is perfect for people who are beginners in the subject or manual testers that want to move on to automated testing.This course we will focus on Graphic User Interface and Functionality Testing and we will learn how to work with the various element selectors and special elements like:

  • ID, Name, CSS, Xpath and Class Selectors
  • Textbox, Check box, Radio buttons, Drop down Menus
  • JavaScript Alert Boxes
  • When you should use either of these selectors;
  • What is a Test Case/Scenario
  • How you can use Mindmaps in testing

This course also includes lectures on:

  • Running Tests on Mobile Devices with Selenium and Appium
  • Parallel Testing with Selenium and NUnit3 (running multiple tests at the same time)
  • Generating beautiful HTML Reports for our Test Results with Selenium and NUnit3
  • Using Different Browsers — Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, Firefox
  • Taking Screenshots with Selenium
  • Using PhantomJS Driver and Selenium (we have a project here to download all posts from a website!)
  • Working with Element Properties (Size, Location, Stylings, e.g. change colors or make elements disappear)
  • Executing Javascript through C# with Selenium
  • Working with Browser Properties (Size, Location, New Tabs/Windows, Tabs/Windows Handles)

6. Robot Framework Test Automation — Level 1 ( Selenium )

Fastest & easiest way to do Selenium test automation! Mobile test automation, API test automation, and database too.Drowning in an ever-expanding collection of regression test cases? You need to automate them! If you have been too intimidated to learn test automation due to a lack of Selenium programming skills, you’ll be thrilled to discover how easily Robot Framework will allow you to automate your tests.

Robot Framework is a pre-built test automation framework. By comparison… Robot Framework is much easier to learn than Selenium Webdriver (with Java, Python, C#, or PHP) because your scripts are written with English words instead of code.

If you’re already an experienced user of Selenium Webdriver, Cucumber, or QTP/UFT, you’ll quickly learn how elegant and capable Robot Framework is compared to those tools.

This 5+ hour video course will:

  • Provide an overview of the free, open source Robot Framework test automation tool
  • Teach you how to install & configure Robot Framework plus libraries for Selenium, API, database, and more
  • Help you create & run your very first Selenium test automation script in just minutes
  • Show you exactly how to create a Selenium Webdriver test automation script more easily
  • Show you how to make a simple test automation script much more efficient & readable
  • Help you discover how variables & page objects can make your test automation scripts more flexible
  • Walk you through the basics of testing web (Selenium), API, database, XML, and files tests

7. Selenium WebDriver With Java — Novice To Ninja + Interview

This course includes a wide range of topics from Selenium WebDriver Basics and Advanced, Java Concepts, TestNG Framework, Automation Framework Design (Page Objects, Page Factory, Data Driven, Reading Excel Files), Logging with Log4j, Best reporting tool — Advanced Reporting, Cross-Browser Testing with Selenium Grid 2.0, Maven Build Management, Continuous Integration with Jenkins, Git integration with Jenkins, Database Testing, Performance Testing, Behavior Driven Testing Using Cucumber, Sauce Labs Integration, Interview Preparation. All materials including code files.

We start with how to code in Java and then move towards learning selenium, TestNG, selenium grid, log4j, maven, jenkins, database testing, performance testing, behavior driven testing using cucumber and gherkin language.

Topics Include:

  • Selenium Webdriver 3.x
  • Java Concepts in details
  • TestNG Framework
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Logging infrastructure with Log4j
  • Page Object Model
  • Page Factory Framework
  • Data Driven Framework
  • Executing tests on a remote machine using Selenium Grid 2.0
  • Build Management with Maven
  • Continuous Integration with Jenkins
  • Database Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Behavior Driven Testing Using Cucumber and Gherkin language

8. Page Object Pattern in Selenium Webdriver

Drastically stabilize your automation tests bylearning the Page Object Pattern.

This course is designed to teach you how to properly code the Page Object Pattern using Selenium Webdriver with C#.

However, all of the information here is equally applicable to any other functional testing tool because the Page Object Pattern is a universal principle that makes test automation more robust. Similar to other universal concepts such as Don’t Repeat Yourself or Single Responsibility Principle.

Therefore, if you know Object Oriented programming and a different functional automation tool, you can still comfortably follow along with all of the principles and patterns that I lay out in this course.

What will you learn?

  • Why other methods such as Record & Replay or Keyword Driven do not work when it comes to test automation
  • What the Page Object Pattern is in automation
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the Page Objects
  • How to implement the Page Objects using Selenium Webdriver
  • How to improve your page objects to follow DRY Principle
  • How to improve page objects to follow SRP Principle
  • How to create amazing Page Objects for gigantic web pages

9. Complete Selenium WebDriver from Scratch: Build A Framework

Selenium Hybrid Framework & Cucumber BDD Framework Designing, Selenium WebDriver with Java, TestNG, Maven with Jenkins.

  • Selenium WebDriver Training — Expert Level
  • TestNG / Seleliun WebDriver with all Advance level concepts
    Selenium GRID
  • JUnit / TestNG, ANT, Report generation, batch execution
    SVN and MAVEN
  • Git, GitHUB
  • Continuous Integration — Jenkins / Hudson
  • Data Driven Framework
  • Hybrid (Keyword + DataDriven) Framework
  • Page Object Model with factories
  • SauceLab Integration
  • Selenium 3.0 — Selendroid
  • Cucumber Framework Designing

10. Complete Step By Step Java For Testers

A-Z guide for learning Java what’s perfectly right for your Selenium WebDriver and Test Automation needs.

This is only Java related course and it’s great because it covers just the right amount of Java which is needed for automation, but this course does not cover Selenium WebDriver or any other type of automation tool.

This is a comprehensive yet simple course on java programming language and it concentrates on Java programming concepts needed for Selenium WebDriver or any other Automation tool.

This course assumes that you have no programming background. If you have some experience then, it’s just a bonus point. You have never code, have some experience or have a lot of experience any other programming language, this course is one stop place for you.

Java is one of the most and useful programming languages to learn You can build back-end of web applications and build robust test automation framework. Specially for Selenium WebDriver GUI automation, Java is most popular choice and has the largest community.

This course is very well structured:

  • Each lecture consist of a video screencast and code files
  • There are quizzes, homework to test your knowledge
  • High focus on practice and asking questions
  • You will also learn coding best practices

Disclosure: We are affiliated with some of the resources mentioned in this article. We may get a small commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.

Update: We have created the latest version of top Selenium tutorials. Feel free to checkout the best selenium tutorials of the year.



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