10 Best TypeScript Tutorials for Beginners [2024 SEP]— Learn TypeScript Online

Learn TypeScript for app development with the best TypeScript tutorials for beginners in 2024.

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12 min readMay 12, 2018


TypeScript was practically unheard of before its introduction in Angular 2, but post Angular 2, TypeScript has been gaining its own fandom with developers who are constantly on the lookout for faster, easier and more productive languages.

TypeScript has since become an independent popular language to use for app development within the industry. A lot of people are leaning towards using TypeScript because it is a simple language that makes development easy. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which means it can be considered as an add-on to the language. So, if you are already familiar with JavaScript, you are halfway through the battle.

TypeScript makes it easy to not only code, but also offers numerous features such as all the benefits of ES6 and also a brilliant compiler. TypeScript’s offers a static type-checking that allows the compiler to discover mistakes and errors during compilation, rather than during testing, reducing the coding time drastically. Let start with following courses to learn TypeScript from top TypeScript courses of all time.

1. Angular 2 Crash Course with TypeScript

Get in-depth knowledge of Angular 2 and TypeScript with this crash course for all skill levels.

There’s no way around it. If you want to gain a competitive edge in UI/UX design, web development, or anything to do with mobile and desktop web apps, then you need to know Angular JS. Better yet, you need to know Angular 2, the latest version. This Angular 2 crash course will refresh your memory and get you updated on the essentials of the latest version. And if you’re just getting started with Angular JS, don’t worry = this is the perfect introduction too.

Get Up to Speed with Angular 2

  • Understand Angular 2 and how it can help you as a developer
  • Code an Angular 2 project with an online IDE
  • Get to grips with Angular 2’s many powerful features
  • Improve your UI/UX design and development skills
  • Discover what’s new in the latest version of Angular

The course will begin with an introduction to TypeScript, the Cloud9 IDE and using Angular 2 modules. Then you’ll get stuck into Angular 2’s components, building a UI and binding your data. After that things get a little more challenging with a breakdown of advanced component concepts and component composition. From there you’ll jump into services, web services, and routing before setting up Angular 2 from scratch.

By the end of this course you’ll be able to set up and get going on your own Angular 2 projects quickly, easily, and efficiently.

2. Learning TypeScript

This course walks you through the foundations and helps you set up TypeScript and use it in simple ways to improve existing JavaScript projects.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • define custom types.
  • convert existing JavaScript classes to TypeScript classes.
  • encapsulate your logic and data with access modifiers.
  • reuse code with generics

Learn how to define custom types, convert existing JavaScript classes to TypeScript classes, and encapsulate your logic and data with access modifiers.

Plus, find out how to reuse code with generics, type check files, and add type support for APIs. Using these techniques, you can become a more productive, efficient JavaScript developer.

3. Understanding TypeScript

The course will cover important basics such as types, classes, modules, interfaces, etc. From there you’ll cover more advanced features and even how to set up Workflows with TypeScript. This includes a TypeScript-only Workflow as well as Workflows using Gulp or Webpack.

Each section comes with examples or sample projects, so you will not only be relying on theory to get you through, but you will also see how you actually work with TypeScript and even get your hands dirty! You will simultaneously work with the instructor on the projects, which will help you learn exactly what you can do with TypeScript.

What you will learn in this course:

  • Types and how to use them
  • How the TypeScript Compiler works
  • ES6 Features in TypeScript
  • Classes in TypeScript
  • Namespaces and Modules
  • Interfaces
  • Generics
  • Decorators
  • How to integrate Third-Party JavaScript Libraries into your TypeScript Project
  • How to integrate TypeScript into your Gulp or Webpack Workflow
  • Or how to set up a plain-TypeScript Workflow
  • How to use TypeScript together with ReactJS

4. Learn TypeScript: The Complete Course for Beginners

TypeScript is an in-demand language that sits on top of JavaScript.

The course includes:

  • The Basics of Variables
  • Typescript’s Comments
  • Enum
  • Generic Type
  • Functions
  • Mapped Type
  • Objects
  • Index Signature
  • Variables Advanced
  • Exception
  • Alias
  • Type Checking
  • Iterators
  • Manipulating Objects and Array
  • Sharing Code

In this course, you’ll start from the beginning and work your way up to more advanced concepts like type checking, iterators, and manipulating objects and arrays.

You’ll get a chance to get your hands dirty with plenty of real practice along the way.

5. TypeScript: Getting Started

TypeScript is a powerful, fun, and popular programming language used for building browser and NodeJS applications. This course will teach you all of the most important features of TypeScript, and quickly make you productive with the language.

The course includes:

  • Installing TypeScript and Configuring a Project
  • Taking Advantage of Built-in Types
  • Writing Better Functions with TypeScript
  • Creating and Using Custom Types
  • Creating and Consuming Modules
  • Being More Productive with Type Declaration Files

In this course, Getting Started with TypeScript, you’ll learn how to create browser applications faster and with fewer errors using a powerful and fun programming language.

First, you’ll learn how to configure TypeScript projects. Next, you’ll explore how to create and use your own types.

Finally, you’ll discover how to get strong typing support for just about any JavaScript library you can imagine.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a foundational understanding of TypeScript’s most important features, as well as the skills you need to begin building client-side web applications and NodeJS applications with TypeScript.

6. The Complete TypeScript Programming Guide for Web Developers

Master TypeScript Development and Object Oriented JavaScript.

Here’s your chance at becoming an expert on TypeScript. Learn this brilliant amazing language and advance your skillset. Learn how to code powerful apps, using the simplest language you can find. This course has been designed specifically to help you transition from a beginner to an expert in TypeScript. All you need is to know is the basics of JavaScript, the rest you will find within this course.

In this course, you will start from the very beginning with a detailed introduction to TypeScript, it’s basic commands and how it can be integrated with JavaScript. You will learn how to set up the environment, different data types that you can use including strings, booleans, arrays, tuples, and enoms.

From there on, the course will also cover advanced TypeScript features such as interface and generics; learn how to integrate ES2015 and use its features such as arrow functions and template literals. You will also learn use classes and objects within TypeScript such as inheritance, modifiers, adding interfaces to classes, etc.

Last but not least, you will also get hands-on training, by actually designing a project from scratch. You will build a ToDo App in TypeScript with Webpack. This project will help you put all the theories you’ve learned throughout the course into practical application including setting up the environment, automating typescript compiling, adding todo classes with interface, static typing, block scoping with let and const, and also local storage implementation for persisting data.

With so much left to learn, what are you waiting for? Let’s make you a TypeScript master!

7. Stepping up to TypeScript: Fundamentals

Upgrade and accelerate your coding skills by learning TypeScript.

Stepping up to TypeScript is intended to not just introduce you to writing code with TypeScript but advance your coding skill in total. People with existing JavaScript knowledge who want to do more with their projects will find TypeScript can do so much more than just plain JS. Professionals coming from statically typed languages like Java or C# will find this course a refreshing way to transition into Web or NodeJS development.

While new frameworks seem to come and go every day, TypeScript is here to stay. TypeScript will likely continue to be a reliable means to develop any JavaScript application for many years to come.

Even if you are a seasoned JavaScript developer, learning TypeScript will not only prepare you for a potential project in the future, but will immediately improve your JavaScript architecture.

This is a very high quality, fundamentals first, fast paced course that you are sure to enjoy with an expansive amount of free content and community resources.

8. React: Using TypeScript

This course explains shows how to use TypeScript with React.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • improve your React code with the help of TypeScript interfaces.
  • use TypeScript with React.

It starts with a review of basic and complex types and functional and stateful components. Then it shows how to use TypeScript interfaces to improve your React code. Finally, learn how to implement higher-order components to reuse components while adding new functionality.

9. Introduction to TypeScript Development

Get ready to build Angular 2 web and mobile applications by learning the TypeScript programming language.

In this course we’re going to start with the basics and I’m going to show you how fun it is to build TypeScript programs. After you’re familiar with the syntax, we’re going to move onto more advanced TypeScript development techniques, such as: working with closures, object oriented programming, real time asynchronous development, and decorators.

This course isn’t to teach you how to build TypeScript console applications. Instead, goal is to teach you the skills you will need in order to build real world Angular 2 applications. And actually, this course includes the exact material we teach at our devCamp coding bootcamps prior to students going through our immersive Angular 2 course.

There are no technical pre-requisites to this course. The ideal student is an individual who wants to learn how to build Angular 2 applications. I will show you how to install and run TypeScript programs on both a Mac and a PC. And you can use either operating system to follow along with the course material.

10. Typescript Masterclass & FREE E-Book

Learn Typescript: Build a Node REST API in Typescript, query it with Angular 5 (formerly Angular 2).

This course also includes the Ebook: Typescript Jumpstart — Fast-track to Typescript Proficiency, For Experienced Developers.

You are going to learn Typescript 2, its ES6 Features and its advanced type system in depth. You will then use Typescript to build a Node REST API in Express and query a SQL database in Typescript using the Sequelize ORM. You will build a small Angular Typescript Client using the Angular CLI and you will query the REST API using the Angular HTTP Module.

The main goal of the course is that you learn not only the Typescript language features, but that you also learn how to use them in practice to build concrete programs. We will cover the benefits of type safety and how it helps us to write better programs.

Angular has about the double of the search volume than Typescript, and what is stranger is the Angular trend curve is growing faster than Typescript as well.

We will do a complete introduction to Typescript 2 and to its type system. We will then immediately apply these new concepts to a practical example: we will build a REST API in Node using Express and Typescript, and then we will query a Postgresql relational database using the Sequelize ORM.

We will learn how to use Typescript with third party Javascript libraries and still write type safe programs. The goal is to give a theoretical introduction to the language, but then immediately drive home those concepts by applying them to everyday tasks that we will all do in our daily lives as software developers.

The course structure is simple: we will setup the Webstorm IDE step by step, and start introducing Typescript simply as a better Javascript, showing main of the ES6 features that we can use already today.

Then we will do a deep dive into the type system and specifically into the features supported by Typescript 2. With this in place we will start writing our REST API from scratch and enhance it step by step.

We will learn best practices for building our backend in a functional way and on how to build APIs with Express. We will discuss aspects like API security and error handling. Sequelize is our ORM of choice we will show how to query SQL database tables and show how to compose our program into reusable small functions and use them to compose promise chains to handle API requests.

With the API built, we will go back to the drawing board and only now introduce Object Oriented Programming, Generics and Decorators. With this last foundational blocks we will go back to out program and we will enhance by further adding type safety to it.

Build a Small Angular Application, Share Code Between Backend and Frontend. We will then build a small frontend in Angular using the Angular CLI to query the API and display a list of lessons. We will do so by sharing some code between the backend and frontend.

11. Understanding TypeScript

Don’t limit the Usage of TypeScript to Angular 2! Learn the Basics, its Features, Workflows and how to use it.

This Course takes you from the very Basics and its most important Feature (Types!) to the Point where you’re able to use TypeScript in any of your Projects. ReactJS Projects included.

As TypeScript code can be compiled to ES5, you’ll be amazed by the many next-gen Features you can start using Today. Be it ES6 Features like Destructuring or Arrow Functions, Decorators, Generics and Interfaces or Modules — TypeScript has them all!

In this Course, we’ll not stop after the Basics. You will learn about more advanced Features and also how to set up Workflows with TypeScript. This includes a TypeScript-only Workflow as well as Workflows using Gulp or Webpack.

You’ll also learn that you’re not limited to Angular 2 or plain JavaScript/ TypeScript Projects. A complete Module covers how to use TypeScript with ReactJS to benefit from its Features, there, too.

In this Course you’ll get insights into:

  • Types and how to use them
  • How the TypeScript Compiler works
  • ES6 Features in TypeScript
  • Classes in TypeScript
  • Namespaces and Modules
  • Interfaces
  • Generics
  • Decorators
  • How to integrate Third-Party JavaScript Libraries into your TypeScript Project
  • How to integrate TypeScript into your Gulp or Webpack Workflow
  • Or how to set up a plain-TypeScript Workflow
  • How to use TypeScript together with ReactJS

12. TypeScript: Learn the Basics in a Refreshing Way

Solving common JavaScript problems using TypeScript and understanding the compiler’s output.

In this course we will learn TypeScript in a new and refreshing way. together we inspect a series of common JavaScript challenges, problems and pitfalls, and learn how to elegantly address them using TypeScript.

By the end of this fun and fast paced course you will have a good understanding of TypeScript’s essential features, and be able to start coding right away.

13. Angular 2 & TypeScript Beginner Web Development

Angular 2 web development for beginners with TypeScript & Firebase.

This course is going to teach you all of the fundamentals of Angular2

This is one of the most comprehensive courses on Angular 2 on the Internet. We use Angular 2 every day in our own projects and we wanted to share that powerful knowledge with the world. This course will take you down a guided learning path. You’ll learn the basics of TypeScript, and move on to creating both simple and complex web apps. Not only will you build web apps, but you will learn how to do it the way the pros do. We’ll even cover advanced intermediate to advanced topics.

Here are some of the things you will learn:

  1. Tooling
  2. Automation
  3. TypeScript
  4. Components
  5. Forms
  6. Validation
  7. Services
  8. HTTP
  9. Firebase
  10. Directives
  11. So much more….

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