10 Best Vue JS Tutorials for Beginners [2024 JUN]— Learn Vue JS Online

Learn VueJS to start learning about front-end application development with the best VueJS tutorials for beginners in 2024.

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14 min readJan 1, 2018


No matter at which Metric you look (Google Trends, Github Stars, Tweets …) VueJS is the Shooting Star in the World of JavaScript Frameworks — it simply is amazing.

Frontend Frameworks are extremely popular because they give us this reactive, great User Experience we know from Mobile Apps — but now in the Browser! No wonder that Jobs requiring Frontend Framework Skills like VueJS are amongst the best-paid ones in the Industry.

You may know Angular 2 and ReactJS, well, VueJS combines the Best of both Frameworks and makes building anything from small Widgets to big, Enterprise-Level Apps a Breeze and a whole lot of Fun.

Vue JS 2 has quickly become incredibly popular, both due to how powerful the JavaScript framework is, but also how easy it is to learn. Vue is much easier to learn than other JavaScript frameworks such as Angular and React, meaning that you can start building your first Vue application in no time. We have picked the best Vue Js tutorials and courses to take.

1. Vue JS 2 — The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex)

Vue JS is an awesome JavaScript Framework for building Frontend Applications. VueJS mixes the Best of Angular + React.

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 ( 31,725 Ratings total)

It’ll start with the very Basics, what Vue.js is and how it works before we move on to more Complex and Advanced Topics.

  • What is VueJS and Why would you use it?
  • Setting up a Development Environment and Workflow
  • The Basics (including the basic Syntax, Understanding Templates and much more!)
  • Interacting with DOM (Rendering Lists, Conditionally attaching/ detaching Elements …)
  • Using Components (and what Components are, to begin with)
  • Binding to Form Inputs
  • All about Directives, Filters, and Mixins
  • How to make your App more Beautiful with Animations and Transitions
  • How to create an awesome Single-Page-Application (SPA) with Routing
  • How to improve State Management by using Vuex
  • How to Deploy the App

And all the accompanied with many Exercises and multiple Course Projects — because it isn’t just about seeing Code, it’s about using and practicing it.

Top Vue JS Tutorials

2. VueJS 2 The Complete Guide

This VueJS tutorial has been designed as a complete guide to help you not only get started with VueJS, but also is a great introduction to front-end frameworks in general.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 ( 451 Ratings total)

This course starts at the very beginning and includes simple basic concepts such as what is VueJS, how does it work and then goes on to more complex and advanced topics such as state management, app deployment, etc.

At the end of this course, not only will you have become familiar with VueJS, but you’ll also be able to design your very own apps from the ground up.

You will learn in this course:

  • Setting up a Development Environment and Workflow
  • The Basics (including the basic Syntax, Understanding Templates and much more!)
  • Interacting with DOM (Rendering Lists, Conditionally attaching/ detaching Elements …)
  • Using Components (and what Components are to begin with)
  • Binding to Form Inputs
  • All about Directives, Filters and Mixins
  • How to make your App more Beautiful with Animations and Transitions
  • How to create an awesome Single-Page-Application (SPA) with Routing
  • How to improve State Management by using Vuex
  • How to Deploy the App And much more
  • Examples and multiple course projects to help you actually practice

3. Learn Vue.js

Vue.js makes front-end web development easier and more exciting than it’s ever been. Jump in and find out what this front-end engineering trend is all about!

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • make front-end web apps with ease using Vue.js, an increasingly popular JavaScript front-end framework.

With the help of this course, you will be able to create and style forms that handle real-world, dynamic data.

You’ll have a grounding in how to set up Vue.js and how to utilize essential features of Vue to tackle complex front-end problems.

4. Nuxt.js — Vue.js on Steroids

Build highly engaging Vue JS apps with Nuxt.js. Nuxt adds easy server-side-rendering and a folder-based config approach.

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 ( 3,109 Rating total)

In this course, you will :

  • Build server-side-rendered single-page applications (SPAs).
  • Build normal, optimized SPAs with minimal effort.
  • Generate a static webpage from the Vuejs code.

It is a library for Vue.js (kind of a ‘framework for a framework’) and it adds two major things to Vue.js:

  • Server-side-rendering of your Vue app out of the box
  • Easy Vue app configuration via folders and files

You will course learn all the details in this course but the most important takeaway is that Nuxt.js makes the creation of better, more optimized and more capable Vue apps much easier — and all of that whilst adding pretty much no overhead.

This course, It will teach you how to create Nuxt/ Vue apps from scratch!. You will build a project and dive into the core features Nuxt.js offers.

By the end of the course, you will have a complete Vue app, built with Nuxt.js, which can be rendered on the server (or as a static website!) and is highly optimized.

The course will teach you:

  • what Nuxt.js exactly is and how it’s connected to Vue.js
  • how you use Nuxt.js to build better Vue apps
  • everything you need to know about the “configure via folders & files” approach taken by Nuxt
  • different build possibilities like SSR apps, SPAs or a static webpage
  • how you build an entire project, including authentication, via Nuxt.js

5. React JS, Angular & Vue JS - Quickstart & Comparison

Angular (Angular 2 or 4), React or Vue? Get a Crash Course on each of them and detailed comparison.

Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 ( 1,816 Ratings total)

After learning the basics of JavaScript, the JavaScript world can be very intimidating. There are lots of different frameworks like Angular, React or Vue, libraries and other packages (like webpack).

You’ll get an introduction into the three most important JavaScript frameworks (Angular, React.js, and Vue.js) and you’ll also get a detailed comparison! This will then allow you to pick other resources or courses to dive super-deep into your chosen framework whilst having a solid foundation already.

Throughout the course, we’ll dive into the basics of these frameworks but we’ll also have a look at why we use them, to begin with. The role of jQuery and how these frameworks differ from jQuery will be clarified, too.

Not only you are going to dive into the basics of the three most popular JavaScript frameworks, but this course will also draw a detailed comparison. A couple of different dimensions will be considered to find out which framework might be the perfect tool for the job you have at hand.,

You ’ll also have a look at Webpack and “Build workflows” in general. You’ll learn which role these (and the respective packages like Webpack) play and why we need them. You will also understand which role ES6 and TypeScript play.

6. Build Amazing Web Apps: Develop Apps with Vue JS & Firebase

Learn Vue JS & Firebase by creating & deploying dynamic web apps (including Authentication).

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 ( 2,370 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Get in-depth knowledge of Vue JS & Firebase from the ground up.
  • Build & deploy 3 real-world web apps with Vue JS & Firebase.
  • Learn about & implement Firebase authentication into Vue JS web apps.
  • Use other Firebase services such as a Firestore database, Cloud Functions & Hosting.

In this course, you go from novice to ninja in Vue JS, starting out with the very basics of VueJS and then moving on towards creating fully-fledged VueJS applications.

You will spend a whole chapter learning about the Vue Router and how to create SPA’s (single page applications) using it, as well as exploring how to use the Vue CLI to get up and running quickly when creating Vue applications.

It will also teach you how to use Firebase, free service which acts as a very feature-rich, fully-fledged back-end to our applications. You will learn how to use Firebase to store and retrieve data to and from a NoSQL database called Firestore, as well as authenticate our app’s users with the Firebase Auth service, you will also take a peek at Firebase Cloud Functions (which allow us to run server-side JavaScript code in a Node.js environment), as well as deploying all of our applications to Firebase hosting.

7. Vue JS Essentials with Vuex and Vue Router

Have limited time to learn Vue, Vuex, and Vue Router? Take this course and learn Vue in 11 hours!

Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 ( 1,154 Rating total)

In this course, you will :

  • Understand how to create interesting Vue applications.
  • Use Vuex to manage and update data stored in the application state.
  • Navigate users between pages using Vue Router.
  • Authenticate users with an advanced OAuth2 flow.
  • Build a beautiful drag-and-drop image upload.
  • Style content intelligently using CSS Grids.

In this course, you will get a deep understanding of how Vuex works and how it works so well with Vue by getting plenty of practice fetching data, storing it, and then retrieving it for use inside of a Vue application.

Throughout this course, you will get practical experience with the following:

  • Producing dynamic, responsive applications using Vue
  • Upload images to a remote server using drag-and-drop image upload
  • Log users into your app using OAuth2 Authentication
  • Use a cutting-edge project boilerplate with Vue CLI
  • Reduce the amount of code you write using Template Directives
  • Communicate between components using Props and Events
  • Update Vue components using reactive data properties
  • Programmatically navigate users around your application using Vue Router
  • Model application data using the powerful Vuex framework
  • Persist information stored in your app using Local Storage
  • Develop a master-level understanding of the differences between imperative and declarative programming
  • Learn how Vue gives developers multiple tools to accomplish a task and know which best is for you

8. Full-Stack Vue with GraphQL — The Ultimate Guide

Build a complete Pinterest-inspired full-stack app from scratch with Vue, GraphQL, Apollo 2, Vuex, and Vuetify

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 ( 341 Rating total)

In this course, you will :

  • Learn in-depth on how to use Apollo Server 2 and Apollo Boost to create powerful full-stack apps.
  • Learn how to handle errors on the client and server with Apollo / GraphQL.
  • Be able to implement session-based JWT authentication to GraphQL applications.
  • Integrate Apollo with Vuex for more reliable and scalable state management.
  • Implement infinite scrolling functionality using Vue-Apollo.
  • Deploy full-stack JavaScript / GraphQL applications using Heroku and Netlify.
  • Learn how to write queries and mutations in the GraphQL language on both the client and the server.
  • Utilize many useful MongoDB methods and features.
  • Create attractive, sophisticated UIs using the Vuetify component framework.
  • Use the best in ES6 — ESNext features like async / await, destructuring, spread operators, arrow functions, etc.

Includes Apollo Server 2, Apollo Boost and the Vue CLI 3!

This course is your one-stop guide to learning…

  • Complete CRUD functionality (create, read, update, and delete) with Vue and GraphQL / Apollo 2
  • The latest and greatest Apollo tools: Apollo Server 2, Apollo Boost and Vue Apollo
  • Using the new Vue CLI 3 to create/scaffold Vue apps, add plugins and deploy to the web
  • GraphQL Syntax, including types (scalar/object), and creating schemas with typeDefs
  • Writing and executing GraphQL queries and mutations on both the client and server
  • Essential Apollo features such as the update function, optimistic responses, and refetching queries
  • Error handling with Apollo Server 2 with the new AuthorizationError and format errors features
  • User authentication with JSON Web Tokens
  • State management with Vuex, in concert with ApolloClient
  • Stunning UIs with Vuetify, a Material Design Component Library for Vue
  • Form Validation with the help of Vuetify
  • Vue Router (including protected routes, page transitions, router props, and dynamic segments)
  • Building resolvers using many MongoDB methods and operators
  • Search Functionality with MongoDB
  • Advanced GraphQL features such as infinite scrolling
  • GraphQL shorthands to make our schemas and queries concise, such as inputs and fragments
  • Lots of work with the Chrome/Firefox Vue Dev Tools Extension to Debug Vue / Vuex / Apollo
  • Using the service Now to deploy Vue / GraphQL Apps
  • Advanced UI tricks, including notifications and loading skeletons
  • App Deployment with Heroku and Now v2
Best Vue Js Courses For Beginners

9. Vue JS Essentials -3 Course Bundle

Learn and master VueJS by building 3 professional, real-world web applications using Vue.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 ( 1,415 Ratings total)

Vue.js 2 is one of the hottest Javascript frameworks right now and demand for Vue developers is quickly growing amongst employers.

In this course, we will learn by doing! It will lead you through the process of building three real-world, professional Vue.js applications that, together, demonstrate all the features and capabilities of Vue from the basics to the cutting edge:

  1. A simple but powerful e-commerce UI complete with products and a shopping cart that will utilize most of the essential features of Vue.
  2. A multi-page movie session times app that introduces professional features of Vue like components, Vue Router, and the Webpack build flow, allowing you to create complex and larger apps.
  3. A Google Calendar clone. This project uses cutting edge features like server-side rendering and the Vuex state management library.

In addition to writing code, it will also take the time to discuss the essential Vue concepts so that you leave with a solid understanding of Vue in addition to having the skill and confidence to go and start building your own Vue apps.

10. Vue JS 3 Modern Web Development with Vuex & Vue Router

Learn Vue3 Web Development Quickly From the Absolute Beginning. Exercises and Challenges Included for fast learning.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • master Vue JS 3 from basics to advanced.
  • develop complex single and multi-page applications in Vue JS
    Vuex & Vue Router.
  • understand modern web development techniques.
  • build multi-screen and component-based web apps.

With this course, you will learn the most powerful Javascript framework for modern web development, Vue JS. Learn how to build your own Vue JS applications.

You will also learn how to use Vuex and Vue Router to build multi-page applications with a centralized source of data. You can also build more complex applications and take advantage of the huge ecosystem of external libraries & UI frameworks to make your application achieve high performance and great usability.

11. The complete Vue JS course

Learn to build beautiful web apps using VUE js. Includes three practice projects.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • create applications using javascript and Vue js framework.

Here, you will understand how Vue works and how you can make it communicate with other technologies like Firebase and Node js. You will learn all the logic and practice behind Vue in different modules, and as you advance through the course it will be increasing the difficulty.

In addition, you will learn to connect the Vue app with technologies like Firebase and push the practice project to production.

12. Vue JS 2.0 — Mastering Web Apps

Create the VueJS 2.0 apps you always wanted. Build 5 apps, learn development secrets, VueRouter, Vuex, & more.

Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0 ( 1,775 Ratings total)

Become an in-demand software engineer by taking this tutorial on Vue Js. As one of the fastest-growing frameworks for web development, learning Vue is a must. Simply put, understanding Vue will open doors and jobs for you.

This project-based course will have you coding right away. By building five carefully thought-out example applications, you will sharpen your skills in modern web development.

First, learn the essentials of Vue 2.0 by going through the main concepts and syntax. Then, build your first single-page app with Vue. Second, create an application that handles HTTP Web Requests in Vue and uses a public API. Extend upon this application next, learning VueRouter for multi-page applications. Fourth, build an application that works with Vuex to manage data. Finally, cap it all off by building an app with full authentication and a real-time database.

You’ll not only learn Vue 2.0, but essential libraries like VueRouter and Vuex. Vuex can have a reputation for complexity, but you’ll find in this course, a secret recipe that boils Vuex down to three simple steps.

13. Vue JS 2: From Beginner to Professional (includes Vuex)

Learn Vue JS, and become a VueJS professional. Build complex SPAs with Vue.js, a simple and popular JavaScript framework.

Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 ( 711 Ratings total)

In this course, you will learn how to build reactive web applications at any scale with Vue. You will learn the theory that you need to know about Vue.js, and we will be building several example applications as we go along, demonstrating the explained concepts in practice. The course lectures include examples when going through new material, followed by exercises that you can optionally choose to solve — and It will walk through the solutions together.

Whether or not you have prior experience with VueJS, this course is an easy way for you to learn the framework. Vue.js is much easier to learn. Getting up and running fast is at the heart of Vue, so no more long hours of configuration just to show “Hello World!” Or perhaps you have no experience with reactive JavaScript frameworks and come straight from using jQuery? No problem! Vue.js is an excellent choice for your first framework and is one of the easiest ones to start out with.

Despite the fact that Vue JS is easy to learn, it is an incredibly powerful framework that can be used to build large web applications as well as small ones. Unlike many other frameworks, Vue.js does not try to take control of your application, and allows you to let the framework control only parts of your application — something that is perfect for migrating legacy applications to a more modern framework without doing a complete rewrite at once! Apart from learning how to build single-page applications (SPAs), you will also learn how to manage state in large applications with Vuex.

This course starts from scratch by teaching you how to build a “Hello World!” application in Vue.js and moves towards building advanced applications step by step. By the end of this course, you will be able to build complex and large web applications with Vue.

14. Learn by Doing: Vue JS 2.0 the Right Way

Learn how to build a standalone client app with routing and authentication in VueJS 2.0 (Single page application).

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 ( 372 Rating total)

In this course, you will learn VueJS — version 2.0 to be specific, which quickly became highly valued among professional web developers because it is really simple (unlike 2.0 versions of some other JS frameworks…) while also very powerful at the same time! Version 2.0 is mature and is already used both by small startups and enterprise apps by many corporations in the real world.

It’ll focus on the practical side of things by building a small microblogging social network called “Beeper”. The focus is on medium and large-scale applications, so you will learn, through example, how to structure your code and how real applications work.

Also, you’ll receive a custom API built specifically for this course, you’ll run it on your computer and we will build the client app with VueJS that interacts with the said API.

Update: We have created the latest version of top vue js tutorials. Feel free to checkout the best vue js tutorials of the year.

Disclosure: We may get a small affiliate commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.



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