15 Best Web Development Tutorials for Beginners [2024 SEP]—Learn Web Development Online

Learn web development with the best web development tutorials for beginners in 2024.

Quick Code
Quick Code
12 min readJan 18, 2018


1. The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0

Learn Web Development by building 25 websites and mobile apps using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Python, MySQL & more.

The course starts with the fundamentals. I’ll show you insider tips to work quickly and efficiently with web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and Python.

  • Once you’ve got that locked down, It’ll show you how to build your own responsive websites using more advanced techniques such as iQuery PHP 7, MySQL 5, and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • By then you’ll be developing blogs and eCommerce sites with Wordpress, and learn smart ways to add dynamic content, using APls to connect to sites such as Google Maps and Facebook.
  • As we all know, the best way to learn is to do, so you’ll complete fun website challenges at every turn. Plus, as you fly through the course, you’ll use your skills to put a site together as you go. The final challenge is a full Twitter clone.

2. Introduction to Web Development

This course is designed to start you on a path toward future studies in web development and design, no matter how little experience or technical knowledge you currently have.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • be able to describe the structure and functionality of the world wide web, create dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • apply essential programming language concepts when creating HTML forms. *
  • select an appropriate web hosting service, and publish your webpages for the world to see.
  • be able to develop a working model for creating your own personal or business websites in the future.
  • find and select a web hosting company; choose an effective domain name.
  • use the host to manage your websites
  • networks and the internet function at a high level.
  • identify and use common HTML tags; add an image to a webpage.
  • create HTML-formatted tables; use hyperlinks to connect a series of webpages.
  • upload your finished HTML pages to a web host.
  • discuss what is meant by dynamic content; perform essential programming language tasks.
  • create simple JavaScript programs; use JavaScript to set up alerts and respond to events, to read input, and to change HTML.
  • conduct basic JavaScript testing.
  • discuss common mistakes in designing a website.
  • identify and apply CSS basics like purpose and syntax.
  • use CSS properties to control fonts, colors, layouts, and other common properties.
  • differentiate between in-line, internal, and external CSS; and practice and test your cascading style sheets.
  • create basic HTML forms; identify and appropriately use different types of HTML input.
  • validate user input, submit HTML forms, and test how your forms are working and troubleshoot errors.
  • distinguish between client and server-side development.
  • apply advanced JavaScript programming skills to create logic with selection and iteration.
  • create new features for applications; create more advanced HTML forms.
  • understand additional troubleshooting and problem-solving techniques.

You will have an overview of how websites function, their structure, and the ins and outs of choosing a website name and selecting an online host to house your website.

You will begin to explore how to design and create websites by exploring the base language used to power all websites: HTML.

Finally, you are going to explore the basics of designing web applications — programming useful and dynamic webpages that allow our users to interact with them.

3. The Full Stack Web Development

This Massive 40+ hours course covers all the different segments that a developer must learn and seamlessly stitches it together to give the learner a wholesome experience. The developer will go through the entire five segments step by step, learning how to see the puzzle as a big picture rather than in pieces.

This Full Stack Course breaks down the fundamentals of each technology that you would require to become a Full Stack Developer. The entire course is broken down into five separate segments:

  • Frontend,
  • Backend,
  • Database,
  • Other Essential Technologies
  • Debugging/Version Control.

Each section includes multiple technologies to help you gain more experience as a developer.

4. Web Development: a Primer

If you’re interested in getting into web development, this course is the perfect place to start — whether you’re a high-schooler looking to learn a new skill, or an entrepreneur who wants to build their own website. The course encompasses everything from the basics of networks to the principles of front-end web development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

After taking this course, not only will you be comfortable learning any web technology, but you’ll also have a better idea of what different technologies are out there and what you’ll want to learn. You’ll also become familiar with version control systems, which are a global industry standard.

5. Learn Web Development

Start with the front-end by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then, master the back-end and APIs to round out your full-stack skills.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • master the tools that front-end developers use every day, from HTML to React, plus server-side back-end JavaScript libraries with Express.js.
  • build the back-end of a web application and even create your own API.
  • build portfolio-worthy projects while you learn, so you can show recruiters your skills and kick-start your career as a web developer.
  • build dynamic and powerful web apps using React.js, a component-based front-end framework.
  • create back-end servers and APIs in JavaScript using the popular Express.js framework.
  • understand the SQL fundamentals needed to be a successful full-stack web developer.
  • understand the Node-SQLite to connect JS and SQL in web apps, and build your first fully-integrated back-end application.
  • master the fundamentals of Test-Driven Development to create reliable full-stack JavaScript web applications.

Get started as a web developer by learning the basics of HTML, the essential language of the web. Learn and practice the fundamentals of CSS to add beautiful styling to your webpages.

Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript: syntax, variables, conditionals, and functions. Learn CSS techniques for more interesting sites: display & positioning, colors, typography, responsive design, and flexbox.

Discover more JavaScript techniques and features including arrays, looping, and objects. Learn the Document Object Model, the interface between JavaScript and HTML elements, and combine HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into exciting interactive sites!

Learn more techniques to extend your JavaScript knowledge including reusable classes, splitting code into modules, and making HTTP requests.

Discover the power of this simple yet essential text-based tool and increase your productivity as a developer. Learn to save and manage different versions of your code projects with this essential tool.

6. The Web Developer Bootcamp

The only course you need to learn web development — HTML, CSS, JS, Node, and More.

Hi! Welcome to the Web Developer Bootcamp, the only course you need to learn web development. There are a lot of options for online developer training, but this course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and effective on the market. Here’s why:

  • Everything it covers is up-to-date and relevant to today’s developer industry. No PHP or other dated technologies. This course does not cut any corners.
  • This is the only complete beginner full-stack developer course that covers NodeJS.
  • We build 13+ projects, including a gigantic production application called YelpCamp. No other course walks you through the creation of such a substantial application.
  • The course is constantly updated with new content, projects, and modules. Think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of developer training.

7. Become a Web Developer from Scratch

This course covers all you need to know about becoming a top skilled web developer even if you never programmed before.

FrontEnd Development: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap

BackEnd Development: PHP, MySQL (MySQLi)

This course will give you all the insights on how the Internet works and after you’ve completed the course, you will have the breadth of knowledge to be able to create your own websites and apps with the latest technology.

It will provide a lecture that teaches you how to get a free hosting account to upload your projects and show them to your friends and clients. A beautiful portfolio website that you can use as your own. It will help you create your first portfolio website that you will be able to use as your own and present it to your clients as a professional freelancer. Professional career complete guidance for the 2016 tech market. A whole section dedicated on how to start your professional career either as a freelancer or a full-time employee with advice from top experts.

8. The Complete Fullstack Web Developer Course

Learn HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, jQuery, Ajax & MySQL from scratch! Build a login system at the end.

Here’s what you’ll get when you take this course:

• Learn HTML, CSS and JavaSript. That’s everything you need to know to become a front end web developer.

• Learn jQuery amd Ajax to create cross-browser and in-page responsnive websites.

• Learn PHP and MySQL, a backend stack that allowed Mark Zuckerberg to create Facebook.

• Put it all together at the end to create a full Login/Registration system with member-only pages (exactly what Facebook did!)

9. Ultimate Web Designer & Developer Course: Build 23 Projects!

Become a Full-Stack Developer — Learn Everything from Design to Front & Back-End Programming.

It’ll start by learning Visual & Web Design, how to use Adobe Photoshop, and how to sketch professional wireframes. You’ll then learn to code with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and jQuery. At this point you’ll be able to code custom websites, animations and web applications by yourself.

Once you’re cool with the front-end languages, you’ll then melt your brain-bits with highly advanced skills like Responsive Websites, PHP, MySQL, WordPress and custom WordPress plugin development. You’ll then have the ability to build responsive, dynamic websites and blogs, basic eCommerce sites and online stores, and have a professional understanding of all aspects of web design & development.

After you’ve learned everything from Design to Development, you’ll be taken through a hands-on career section fully-loaded with valuable tips, resources, and real-world guidance to help you start your career — whether you want to work-from-home as a freelancer, or secure a full-time studio gig at a design agency.

10. Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

Learn to build websites with HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , Javascript , jQuery , Python 3 , and Django 1.11.

This course is designed so that anyone can learn how to become a web developer. We teach you how to program by using HD Video Lectures, Walkthrough Code Projects, Exercises, Concept Presentation Slides, Downloadable Code Notes, Reading Assignments, and much more.

11. The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp

Learn React 16, Redux, D3, ES2015, Testing, CSS Flexbox, Animations, SVG, AJAX, and more.

The complete course that will help you learn the latest technologies, tools and libraries to become a proficient web developer. Think of this course as an encyclopedia of all the knowledge you need to take your developer skills to the next level.

This is the only full-stack developer course that covers Advanced CSS, Advanced JavaScript, NodeJS, D3, React and Redux. We build over 10 projects and have dozens of code challenges with solutions to ensure you understand the material and don’t just watch us talk.

12. The Essential Web Developer Course — Build 12 Websites

From an absolute beginner, to a certified Web developer, this course will teach you the ABCs of Web development.

You get instant access to well-thought-out and comprehensive sections with detailed lectures that walk you through ever step of the way. You’ll learn to become a professional coder from a seasoned Web developer with dozens of best-selling books in the technology and online-marketing field.

Here’s what you get with The Essential Web Developer Course:

  • Instant and unfettered lifetime access to over 30 hours of crystal-clear and highly-engaging video tutorials that will walk you through every step of the way as you build a basic understanding of technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Upon learning the basics, I’ll show you in-depth just how to develop responsive and interactive database-driven Websites using technologies such as PHP, MySQL, jQuery, and Bootstrap.
  • Access to an online forum where you can pose and present questions and get help walking through some of the more common problems faced by first-time developers who are just getting started.
  • Once you’ve mastered it all, you’ll learn how to market your services so that you can generate thousands of extra income every month from the comfort of your own home as a seasoned Web developer.

13. The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp — Beginner to Expert

Complete web development training. Get hired by building real apps with HTML, CSS, JS, Rails in this immersive course.

You’ll also build and launch a real startup that you can customize for your own business idea or online store. This course includes a downloadable ebook that details the steps to get hired as a freelancer or full-time web developer.

By the end of this course, you’ll have learned HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, e-commerce and more. You’ll have built and launched a startup from scratch and your own portfolio of sites to share with employers and get hired.

Learn: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby, Rails, Git, E-Commerce with Stripe, Servers, Heroku, Bootstrap, Databases, and more.

Build: You’ll create your own portfolio of 14 sites (from the exercises) and you build and launch a startup that can sign users up and earn money by charging for premium memberships. You’ll be able to customize this to launch your own business, online store, or startup and earn money around the clock.

14. Become a Professional Web Developer | Version 3.0

Everything you need to know to become a professional web developer from scratch, updated for modern development.

We call this Become a Professional Web Developer not because we think we’re great, but because this is hands down the most in depth course on web development in town.

The design and structure of this course follows elite college curriculum. You will begin by learning the basics of each programming language and technology web developers use, and you will be creating real life projects with every new skill you learn so you’re getting the entire finished puzzle instead of just pieces that you have to put together yourself.

Web development keeps changing, and so does this course. Not only will you get content on the basics of becoming a web developer, but we’re always adding new development tools like Angular 2, Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails and more. Buy this course once, and keep your skills sharp forever!

Most courses on web development walk you through the skills beginners need, but then require you to learn the skills that make you an employable web developer. This course is different. After you have learned the basics and built real projects for your portfolio, you can move on to hours and hours of continued training at the intermediate and advanced levels for each web development skill you’ve learned.

Don’t stop when you’re just starting to get good at this, keep learning and enhancing your web development portfolio. New content will be added to this course frequently, so even if you complete the entire course, the next time you log in you’ll have more skills to learn.

15. The Complete front end web developer Bootcamp with 14 projects

Learn HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Jquery and usage of dozens of plugins like animated CSS & TypeAhead.

This course gives you a unique experience and focus only on front end web development. First you will get professional and free web development tools, then you will start with HTML. Once you cover this ground, you will take down your very first challenge. Further you will learn HTML 5 and start your first project.

Moving further you will take CSS and CSS3. After that you will have a complete and dedicated section on projects. After that you will learn Bootstrap and optimise your sites for mobile view. After that you will learn Javascript and jQuery and will do some projects in that.

Structure of this is designed after research and you will never feel bore in this course. After completion of the course, you will be able to design a web page in the exact same design that is on your mind or you might have seen on some theme website.

Disclosure: We may get a small affiliate commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.



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