Why is Laravel a Popular PHP Framework for Businesses?

Lena Charles
Quick Code
Published in
13 min readFeb 16, 2023
Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash

Laravel is an immensely popular PHP framework, and with good reason: its intuitive syntax, robust security features, and scalability make it the ideal choice for businesses wanting to create modern web applications. In this post, we will examine the various advantages Laravel brings to the table and why it has become so beloved by companies all over the world.

Have a look at some crucial benefits of Laravel:

Building Authentication and Authorization Systems

Laravel simplifies the development of secure and reliable applications for businesses, providing a quick and straightforward way to implement authentication and authorization systems. This can be done with just a few artisan commands, eliminating the need to invest time in setting up the system.

Moreover, Laravel provides a built-in authentication system, that makes it possible to authenticate users based on their email address and password. It also supports various third-party authentication providers, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and GitHub, making it easy to take advantage of those providers.

Additionally, Laravel enables businesses to restrict access to specific parts of the website or application. Developers can create roles and define which of those roles have permission to access those areas, thus making sure only authorized personnel can view and modify data within those areas.

Laravel also offers a user-friendly and efficient solution for businesses to create and manage secure applications, due to its easy authentication system and authorization structure. Its simplicity and efficacy make it an attractive choice for businesses.

Integration With the Mail Services

Laravel simplifies the process of integrating mail services into any application. With support for leading email providers such as SendGrid, Mailgun, and Amazon SES, sending emails from your application becomes an effortless task. Furthermore, the framework also provides an API with simple methods to send emails without requiring much technical knowledge.

In addition, Laravel provides a templating system for emails that simplifies customizing the appearance of emails. This allows you to create unique emails with custom designs, images, and more without difficulty.

The convenient syntax and ease of integration offered by Laravel are among the major factors that make it the go-to choice for businesses when it comes to managing email communication needs. Taking advantage of the integration capabilities offered by the framework makes managing email communication an easy process.

Fixing Technical Vulnerabilities

The Laravel PHP framework has built-in security features, helping to easily pinpoint and address any potential vulnerabilities within the application code.

Not only does it offer a secure authentication and authorization system to protect confidential data, but it also includes a package known as “Sentry” that allows developers to construct their own security policies and identify weaknesses within the code. Furthermore, they can also integrate their applications with the Symfony Security component, which further guards against malicious vulnerabilities.

The Laravel PHP framework was designed with security in mind—not just for the application itself but also for the users. It allows businesses to be confident in their product while ensuring that the data and personal information of their customers are guarded against attacks. Therefore, customers can rest assured that the applications are secure and reliable for them to use.

URL Routing Configuration

URL routing is an integral part of any web application, and Laravel makes the process easy and intuitive. The Laravel router provides a clear, simple syntax for defining routes, allowing for the definition of a “welcome” page when a root URL is visited, for example: Route::get(‘/’, function () {

Furthermore, you can also create routes that react to different HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), and have the response depend on the type of verb: Route::post(‘users’, function () {

// create a new user here.

Additionally, the router allows for regular expression constraints, grouping multiple routes under the same URL prefix, redirecting routes, and even creating routes with optional parameters. Laravel further supports named routes and route model binding, enabling quick referencing of specific routes in your code, leading to increased readability and consistency in the codebase.

To summarize, the Laravel router provides an impressive range of options for managing URL routing in your application. You can use the router to create sophisticated routing systems without needing to write complex code.

Separation of “Business Logic Code” From “Presentation Code”

Laravel has the capacity to differentiate between “business logic code” and “presentation code." Business logic plays a fundamental role in any software program, and it must be effortless to keep up with and expand. By utilizing Laravel, engineers are capable of making changes and constructing new functions without causing any destruction to the remainder of the application.

The “business logic code” is stored in the controllers, models, and services, while the “presentation code” is stored in the views. This division of responsibilities permits engineers to swiftly recognize the code that must be modified without meddling with the rest of the application, making the advancement procedure more efficient and simpler to manage.

Laravel additionally gives an MVC (Model-View-Controller) design, which guarantees that business logic and presentation code are not intertwined. This pattern likewise helps keep the application sorted out and simple to explore. By using this framework, engineers can easily make changes and reorganize their code.

In general, Laravel’s division of “business logic code” from “presentation code” makes it an excellent choice for organizations requiring a robust and versatile platform. By concentrating solely on the necessary tasks, developers can work rapidly and effectively while still preserving a high standard of code quality.

Eloquent ORM

Eloquent ORM is an object-relational mapper (ORM) and is integrated into the Laravel PHP framework. This powerful ORM gives an intuitive yet robust Active Record system for working with database tables.

Developers are able to create "models" with Eloquent, which are just PHP classes that symbolize the data from a database table. Afterward, the models can be utilized to extract, insert, update, and delete records from the connected database table, thus simplifying the development process and decreasing the need to create raw SQL queries.

Moreover, Eloquent furnishes some powerful capabilities like relationships, model inheritance, polymorphic associations, and searching functions. These tools let developers effortlessly construct complex database activities in less time.

Besides these characteristics, Eloquent also allows developers to utilize the already present database schemas, which eases database migrations. Furthermore, Eloquent facilitates the utilization of events and query scopes, which are excellent assets to elevate the capability of applications.

Eloquent ORM is an exceptional tool that helps developers proficiently interact with database tables. With its simple yet powerful features, developers are able to construct strong and efficient applications swiftly.

Message Queue System

The Message Queue System (MQS) is an indispensable part of the Laravel PHP Framework that makes it a desirable choice for businesses. This system enables asynchronous communication between two or more applications, thereby allowing messages to be sent and received without disruption to the main application. Consequently, delays that result from waiting for a response are avoided and system performance is improved.

The MQS also guarantees message security and enables tracking of messages. With Laravel, businesses can keep track of messages and follow their progress, verifying that they are delivered correctly. In addition, the system provides encryption to protect the message and guard it against external threats.

In addition to the enhanced security, the MQS improves the performance of your application. This is because requests are managed systematically, permitting the application to focus on more critical tasks. Additionally, the number of requests that need to be sent to the server is decreased, which saves businesses time and money.

All things considered, the Laravel Message Queue System makes it an excellent option for businesses that want to construct efficient and secure applications. The features of the system help to minimize the effort and cost of managing applications while granting a robust and safe platform for their development.

Scheduling Tasks Configuration And Management

Laravel offers an efficient way to organize and manage the scheduling of tasks. This is done to provide developers with a convenient approach to define and operate repeated tasks, such as generating backups, delivering emails and much more.

Laravel’s scheduling feature is backed by Cron, which is an effective job scheduling system used to set up orders and scripts to be conducted periodically at distinct time intervals. It also makes it easier to set up and manage cron jobs without having to manually type out complex Cron commands.

In Laravel, all you need to do is create a ‘Console’ command class and schedule it through the task scheduler built in the framework. The scheduler will then activate your command based on the scheduled times like every minute, every hour, or even weekly or monthly. Furthermore, you can easily alter the schedule in your application’s configuration file.

The Laravel task scheduler additionally endorses queueing of tasks to guarantee that the processes aren’t overburdened with too many simultaneous requests. This can be managed through the console command with relative ease.

Thanks to its simple-to-use setup, the Laravel task scheduler is an amazing approach to automate procedures and make sure that tasks are completed in a timely manner, without having to manually program them.

IoC Container

The Inversion of Control (IoC) Container is a powerful instrument found in the Laravel PHP Framework, serving as a service container for developers to bind services, execute callbacks, and identify dependencies. The IoC Container makes class dependency management more straightforward and adds to the adaptability of development, as well as reduces unnecessary code.

Developers making use of the Laravel PHP framework can use the IoC Container to simply inject necessary dependencies into a class, instead of having to separately instantiate each class when needed. This method saves time and improves code organization, eliminating the need to manually instantiate all classes each time a change is made.

Not only that, but this container is helpful in finding and fixing dependencies. Services can be tied to specific keys within the container, allowing any class needing access to these services to access them quickly and without manual recreation. With this feature, businesses have more convenience when creating applications that need to be adapted or scaled up, without having to modify the code and rewrite everything.

The IoC Container proves to be incredibly helpful for Laravel developers. It simplifies class dependencies, helps inject services into classes, and resolves dependencies with greater efficiency. By leveraging this container, companies are able to construct more robust applications with less coding effort and greater scalability.

Top Features of Laravel

  • Authentication and Authorization: Laravel makes it extremely simple to authenticate and authorize users in any application. It provides extensive built-in support for API authentication, social logins, and more.
  • Blade Templating: This system enables developers to create compelling and dynamic web pages with incredible ease.
  • Artisan CLI: Artisan is the command line interface that is integrated into Laravel and it makes the development process fast and convenient.
  • Eloquent ORM: Laravel’s Eloquent ORM allows you to effectively define relationships between your models and database tables. It also enables you to easily query and manipulate data using concise and expressive syntax.
  • Database Migrations: With Laravel’s database migrations, it becomes effortless to keep a track of the changes made to the databases and one can also undo or rollback the changes when necessary.
  • Security: This framework is equipped with robust security features that makes it secure and safe to use. This includes encryption, password hashing, and user authorization.
  • Queueing: Queueing in Laravel allows for handling of tasks like sending emails, processing data, and running long-running processes in the background, all without impacting the application performance.
  • MVC Architecture Support: Laravel leverages the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture which helps to produce neat and maintainable code while enabling better separation of concerns.
  • Modular Packaging System: This system allows developers to split the application into several distinct parts, each with its own set of logic and purpose.
  • Unit Testing: Laravel comes with built-in testing features to guarantee that the application works properly before deploying.
  • URL Routing Configuration: This feature of Laravel enables developers to easily specify the URLs of the application and redirect requests from one URL to another. Integration With
  • Third-Party Services: It has built-in support for services like Mailgun and Amazon SES, making it incredibly simple to integrate with third-party services.


Laravel is a powerful and popular PHP framework that offers many features for businesses. It provides features such as building authentication and authorization systems, integration with the mail services, URL routing configuration, separation of “business logic code” from “presentation code," Eloquent ORM, a message queue system, scheduling task configuration and management, an IoC container, and more. All of these features make Laravel a highly sought after framework by businesses.

To gain the maximum benefits from this powerful framework, it is recommended to hire a professional Laravel Development Agency in the UK who has experience in working with this framework and can provide tailored solutions as per your requirements. The team of developers will have extensive knowledge about the platform and can easily develop web applications that are secure and scalable for businesses.


What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source, free PHP web framework designed for the development of web applications. Created by Taylor Otwell in 2011, the framework is based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern, and its primary aim is to make the development process more effortless by providing an eloquent and expressive syntax. Laravel gives developers an array of instruments for building complex web applications with less code. Additionally, it assists developers in avoiding security vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.

The Laravel PHP framework offers a strong ORM (object-relational mapper) and query builder to enable developers to quickly construct and manage data models. Furthermore, Laravel includes a selection of tools for authentication, routing, caching, and queuing.

Given its robust features and straightforward syntax, Laravel has emerged as one of the most popular PHP frameworks among businesses. What’s more, the framework is frequently updated to make sure that applications are up-to-date with the most recent features and best practices.

What are some other popular PHP frameworks besides Laravel?

  • Symfony: A widely-used tool among developers, Symfony is a collection of reusable PHP components, providing them with the resources to create sophisticated web applications rapidly and conveniently. It implements the MVC architecture, and offers advanced functionalities such as authentication, routing, and templating.
  • CodeIgniter: CodeIgniter is a lightweight, simple and exquisite PHP framework which provides libraries and assistants to help expedite the process of website development. Moreover, it is also competent in crafting secure and dynamic applications with optimized performance.
  • Yii: Yii is a high-performing, open source PHP framework that enjoys an immense community of developers for technical assistance and upkeep. It boasts many attributes, for example, database abstraction, authorization and authentication, active record database access, and the like.
  • CakePHP: CakePHP is another prevalent open source PHP framework that is remarkably flexible, with a vast range of capabilities, like MVC architecture, speedy building and scaffolding, access control lists and much more.
  • Zend Framework: Zend Framework is an object-oriented framework which endows developers with components to develop web applications. In addition, it includes AJAX integration, authentication, caching, and form validation.
  • Phalcon: Phalcon is an open source, comprehensive PHP framework that consumes fewer resources. It is easy to utilize, and offers a quick solution to creating small and large projects.

Why is the Laravel PHP framework beneficial for enterprise applications?

Laravel is a well-known open-source PHP framework, created with the intention of developing enterprise-level applications. It is a comprehensive platform of tools and features that provide developers with the necessary environment to swiftly construct websites and applications. Not only that, but it also includes a high level of security, offering developers plenty of possibilities to craft their own products.

One of the most advantageous elements Laravel can offer for the creation of enterprise applications is its authentication and authorization systems. By making use of them, developers are able to generate user accounts, register customers, and set up a set of roles for each user. In addition, the implementation of such systems provides security and reliability, and assists in tracking the progress of any modifications.

Furthermore, the integration with mail services such as Gmail, Outlook, and SendGrid makes it simple for users to stay up to date on any new tasks and developments via emails. The framework also supplies utilities for the identification of any technical vulnerabilities and for the routing of URLs. This latter feature is of great help for developers, since it allows for the organization and better understanding of any generated URLs.

Separation of “business logic code” from “presentation code” is another beneficial characteristic of Laravel, as it simplifies debugging processes, as well as enabling the more efficient management of databases via Eloquent ORM. This can grant developers the capacity to manipulate data quickly and precisely. Moreover, the inclusion of a message queue system and a task scheduling configuration enable developers to easily oversee asynchronous tasks and automate recurring ones. The IoC container within the framework, too, provides developers with the means of organizing their code, rendering it more sustainable and resilient.

Altogether, Laravel offers an extensive collection of features, tools, and capabilities, making it ideal for enterprise applications. This, along with its usability and extensive documentation, makes it the preferred choice of many developers.

Is Laravel better than Core PHP?

The choice between which development technology to use for their projects is a dilemma faced by many developers and businesses alike. Ultimately, the answer depends on the particular requirements of the project, but there are a few factors that can assist in making an informed decision.

At its core, Laravel is a PHP language-based framework that offers developers many essential tools and structures to expedite the creation of applications and websites. By using Laravel, coders are better able to arrange and manage their source code and fabricate complicated sites quicker than if they were to work with raw PHP.

In terms of its components, Laravel comes loaded with plenty of useful attributes like database migrations, a powerful query builder, an object-relational mapping (ORM) layer, an IoC container, and robust authentication tools, making it simpler and more efficient to assemble projects.

In comparison to Core PHP, each comes with its own set of advantages. For instance, Core PHP is more suitable for small-scale projects or short-term solutions and is often easier to learn with less setup time than Laravel.

Conversely, Laravel offers numerous benefits when matched up against Core PHP. For instance, it equips developers with a suite of reusable components that significantly reduce the amount of coding necessary for more substantial projects.

Plus, its ORM layer makes it effortless to quickly generate database queries without needing to know the fundamentals of SQL syntax. Lastly, the framework also offers advanced security measures such as password encryption, CSRF protection, and input validation.

Laravel is often considered the preferred option when compared to Core PHP for the majority of projects, given its superior scalability and versatility. However, the eventual decision should be based on the special requirements of the project.



Lena Charles
Quick Code

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