Write a Story And Be Featured in Front of 100,000 People

Quick Code
Quick Code
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2018

With over 100,000 views monthly, Quick Code is one of the fastest-growing development publications in the world. Our audience is a community of web developers, mobile app developers, software engineers, programmers, and coders. Our members are eager to learn about new programming or development and highly engaged.

We’re looking for anyone passionate about web development, mobile development, programming, coding and who wants a place to present their work with the developers' community. You can help new developers learn how to code and share your knowledge and experiments with other developers.

The Topics We Are Looking For

  • Web Development
  • Front End Development
  • Mobile Apps Development
  • Blockchain Development (Cryptocurrency)
  • AR/VR Development
  • Database Design & Development
  • Data Science / Data Engineering
  • Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligent / Neutral Networks / Deep Learning
  • Software Design & Development
  • Game Development
  • Chatbot Development
  • Voice Assistant Development

You retain all rights to your writing.

How To Submit Your Articles?

Please send an email in the following format to: code[@]coursesity.com with a link to your Medium draft or already published Medium article.

Subject: Story for QuickCode

Your Medium @ user name .

<< a link to your Medium draft or already published Medium article. >>

Before you submit a story:

  • Be sure to inform us if the story has been published or submitted on another site, blog, or publication.
  • If you’re not the author, be sure to tell us what organization you work for and spell out your relationship to the author.
  • No Link Spam (Don’t link to the same external domain more than once).

Writing Guide:

  • Title: Your headline is the most important part of your story. A good headline makes all the difference. Utilize this tool.
  • Images: Featured image is the most important aspect of your story. Include a great cover image. publish an article with at least one image.
  • Code: Use Medium shortcuts to turn your code into a formatted code block. You can also embed code from Github Gists, CodePen.io , JSFiddle.net
  • Examples: Provide clear examples, details, and/or data.
  • Sources: Give credit to original sources of information.
  • Readability: Utilize Medium formatting options to make content more readable to readers.
  • Teach: Explain everything like a teacher to provide real value and learning to the reader.
  • Tags: Add up to five tags to your story. People follow these tags will see your story in feed.

Want to Sponsored Publication?

Want to promote your courses, products, or services? (It should be useful to developers). Quick Code also offers sponsored posts with premium placements. Send an email to: hello [@] quickcode.co for more details.

Thank you. Don’t forget to follow Quick Code below and checkout www.quickcode.co for free programming resources.



Quick Code
Quick Code

A list of best courses to learn programming, web, mobile, chatbot, AR/VR development, database management, data science, web design and cryptocurrency.