Basics of Product Design

Abhishek Tripathi
Quick Design
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2019

Think Like end user

The End-user is every common user in the market who is going to use your Product, just think like him and try to use your prototype like him/her.

  • Try to make the simple user approach of using the Product
  • Be the most Dissatisfied user in a way to achieve good results.
  • Point out the user priorities considering the edge use cases.
  • Priorities the content in the Product Don’t Just put the required content on the particular screen, If there is two different content on a single screen, then do priorities between both content and design accordingly.

Make a journey in your Mind

Make sure you’re clear with you Product roadmap and you know that what are the screen requirement with different functionality in your Product. Do give this part a time it’s worth it in the end!

Continuity in Typography is Must

Figure out the typography guidelines you are going to use in your Product and strictly apply it throughout in your Prototype. Unless you’re introducing a new requirement.

Know the Technicalities

Also, think like a Developer while Prototyping the Product, you must know what are hurdles developers have to face while implementing your Prototype. I will be sharing a different story on this… be in touch.

Importance of Backend

Backend is the Root of every Product, so its a very good practice to make a prototype of your backend architecture before your Product Prototype goes for the Development.

Use Real Data or content while prototyping

If as a Product Designer you can’t think about any real data or content while prototyping your product, then how do you expect the right content from others?

