Virtual Reality Interface: A Giant Leap towards Enhanced User Experience

OneNumber App
Quick Design
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2018

Apparently, the contemporary population still has a long way to go when it comes to incorporating the virtual world into the real one. One could have believed that the ‘Uber for X’ economic model would have been the saturation point for this decade, given how everything, from cabs to meals, was being availed virtually with a few taps on the Smartphone, but as it turns out, we are already on the starting threshold of something way different and virtually encompassing.

What is Virtual Reality Interface Design?

For the ones who had been living under a rock last year, a certain game by the name of PokemonGo took the gamers by storm, for it inculcated the eagerness to ‘Gotta catch em’ all’ with the real world. People were walking around the cities with their Smartphones, hooked to the game, capturing Pokemon on the go. The enterprise that had launched the game had a field day, with its share prices going through the roof. Even though the craze subsided in a few weeks, it gave the world its first major tryst with Virtual Reality and what it could achieve if the product engineering was done right.

Interface Design:

Even before the world could comprehend the potential of virtual reality interface design, Apple gave us Augmented Reality in its latest iPhone offering. Alienating itself from its competitors, Apple showcased how it wanted to create an intelligent gaming experience through Augmented Reality Interface Design, and even helped the developers with a few tricks in order to create efficient games and entertainment mediums.

Virtual Reality Interface:

Around 2004, when enterprises and people across the world were beginning to realize the potential of Smartphones, there was a still a lot to be done. iPhone wouldn’t happen for another 3-years, Uber was at least 5-years away, and Facebook was merely a Harvard Startup, and yet, a decade later, for many, life is incomplete without Facebook, Uber, and the iPhone. In almost 10-years, the population graduated to everything from nothing in terms of availing the smart cellphone experience.
However, this transformation was not without its share of collateral damage, for Windows and Blackberry were first to exit the market shadowed by Android and iOS. The trend continues even today, as Windows and Blackberry phones are nothing more than a short but glorious chapter in Smartphone history. The case with Virtual Reality Interfaces is going to be similar, but the transformation is going to be way faster than what is being anticipated.

The Future of Virtual and Augmented Reality Design

Today, a far greater number of Smartphones exist than the people who own them, and this is going to be one of the major factors in facilitating the growth of Virtual and Augmented Reality. As giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and even Apple ready themselves to host the best Virtual Reality Designs and Interfaces, the onus will lie with the audience to find relevance in purchasing them.
My last visit to the gadget store ended with me discarding the VR device that was shown, for it did not offer anything and I practically detested the picture quality. Ironically, that is what I felt when I saw the first iPhone which had nothing but a home button. For a conventional Blackberry user, the thought of a phone without the necessary Qwerty keypad was revolting. Later today, I will be tweeting this article from my iPhone.

In retrospect, we have come a long way from the first peripheral mobile phone, and yet, we are still writing the first page of what promises to be an epic tale of user experience with Virtual and Augmented reality. The acceptance is going to come as it did for the Facebook(s) and the Uber(s), and the industry will be dominated by those who promise an engaging experience in software and durability in hardware. The future of Augmented and Virtual reality, is indeed very exciting.

Written By :
Navneet Singh
Co-Founder, OneNumberApp
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