Image credit: Amos Bar-Zeev, Unsplash

The Edge

This story is written in UK English and set in Australia.

Renee Bugden
Published in
8 min readMar 27, 2019


August 29

We’re here! It feels like a very long trip even though it was only a 16 hour drive. I guess since it was spread over a weekend with an overnight rest it feels longer. I bought this little notebook at a souvenir place that we stopped for breakfast and a stretch. Do you like the frangipanis on the front? I think they’re super cute.

Susanne has been so much fun. On the way up, we played travel bingo on laminated cards that I made up. I won :) We spent the whole drive listening to dad’s CDs of 70s music.

“How do you know the lyrics to Cathy’s Clown?” I asked Susanne.

She shrugged. “I thought everyone knew the words,” she replied.

I don’t.

Dad’s house is quite close to the Bay. The waters are completely flat because there are two islands which lie just offshore, and are easily seen when the weather is clear. There’s a lovely sea breeze and when the wind is just right, you can smell the salt. The house itself is a typical suburban house. Susanne is sleeping in the room right next to the bathroom and I’m in the room up the back. I can’t complain, it’s quiet and far enough away from Susanne’s room so when her boyfriend Tom flies in tomorrow, I won’t be able to hear them haha.

August 30

Woke up too early to pick up Tom from the airport. I jokingly asked him if he brought any aeroplane peanuts for me. He said no. I’d forgotten he’s allergic to peanuts. Susanne complained that I was purposely making Tom feel bad. I sulked all the way home. Later, we went to the Bay and walked along the foreshore for about two hours. I am sorely overdressed! It was freezing at home but so warm here. I asked dad to stop at Kmart so I could get a pair of shorts; these jeans are way too hot. I love it here!

Susanne shouted us lunch. She said everything is so cheap here compared to New Zealand. I can’t believe she’s been living there for five years already. I’m happy that she and Tom are moving back, but sad that they’ll still be so far away. I don’t think I can convince Paul to move up here.

August 31

I feel like shit today and I’m not sure why. Dad woke up early and was making a lot of noise, but I think it’s more than that. I think it’s because of Tom. Susanne focuses all her attention on him and I get that he’s her boyfriend… but that doesn’t mean she needs to ignore everyone else. We were having so much fun before he turned up. Argh.

This morning we went looking at display homes, getting an idea of what Susanne and Tom want to buy when they move. It was like I wasn’t even there. No one was interested in my opinions. Susanne took dad’s advice and they talked colour schemes and landscaping, but no one heard me say the bathroom was impractical or that the stairs would be difficult to navigate with armfuls of groceries. Why was I even there?

When we got home, Susanne asked if anyone wanted a drink. We all said yes. She gave dad and Tom a drink but just handed me a glass and told me to get it myself. What a bitch! Just now, I heard the washing machine stop so I went to get the clothes out. It was all her stuff even though I’d put mine in… My clothes are now in the basket, still wet.

Dad bought a new lawnmower and I suggested to Susanne we go halves in it as an early Father’s Day present.

“I think he’d like a new kettle,” she said.

What? A kettle? He already has a kettle. You don’t need anything fancy to boil water for coffee.

I feel like a fifth wheel. A completely deflated, stuffed-in-the-boot fifth wheel.

September 1

Today was amazing! Dad and I went to visit some family friends whom we haven’t seen in about twenty years. Tom and Susanne stayed home because Susanne doesn’t remember these people anyway. I guess she and Tom want alone time. Dad and I got to see some million-dollar houses in a very posh area. It was cool to see.

When we got home, I ate dinner quickly and went to my room. I don’t want to deal with Susanne right now. She offered to make dinner, which was fine, but put avocado on my nachos when I asked her not to. I hate avocado.

September 2

Really missed Paul today. We went to the beach and I scrawled “Paul” into the sand. But because the sun glinted off the phone screen, I couldn’t really see what I was taking a photo of. I sent the photo to him and he answered, “Who’s Aul?” Even though I talk to him every night, it sounds like his heart just isn’t in it anymore. He doesn’t sound like he misses me at all.

Susanne and Tom pretty much did their own thing today. I didn’t mind spending time with dad but I know Susanne has always been the favourite. Dad and I just don’t have that much in common.

September 3

Susanne and Tom chose some houses from the local paper to look at. I didn’t like any of them and when I said something aloud, Susanne just rolled her eyes at me.

“Good thing you won’t be living with us, then,” she said.

Yep, I guess it is a good thing.

We went out for dinner last night. Tom complained about the food so Susanne fed him from her plate! She makes sure she doesn’t order anything with peanuts. She told me once that if she ate peanuts and he kissed her, he could die. I didn’t know allergies could be that sensitive.

Also went shopping for a Father’s Day present. I bought some shoes and a CD and Susanne forced me to go halves for a stupid $70 kettle. I don’t know why any kettle needs to be $70. Does it boil magic water? Susanne was stoked with her choice but I just felt like I’d wasted $35 and Paul was going to be really annoyed with me, spending that much money on a dumb kettle. Susanne has plugged it in, ready for dad’s morning coffee. I hope he can taste the difference of water boiled in a $70 kettle.

September 4

Spent the afternoon by myself watching TV. Dad went to the supermarket and was gone 4 hours. Tom and Susanne went for a walk, then came home and had a nap. I tried to call Paul but he didn’t answer. Even though I love this place, this is definitely the worst holiday ever.

September 5

We went for a long drive today, and I got carsick even though I was sitting in the front. Naturally, Susanne and Tom were in the back. We ended up in a lovely National Park, where we went for a walk and saw a magnificent waterfall. Susanne said it would be awesome to get married on the rocks right near the waterfall and Tom laughed nervously. Maybe all is not well in their paradise?

We stopped for lunch at a little cafe. Susanne ordered for dad, Tom and herself then told me I had to order my own. My food came out ten minutes after theirs. Susanne was impatient; she had already finished hers and was itching to go back outside. Finally I told her to go already, I’d catch up. She and Tom left, dad stayed with me. I didn’t bother catching up. When I finished eating, I sat in the car and cried.

September 6

Susanne and Tom wanted to go shopping. Dad decided he needed some things so he tagged along and because I didn’t want to stay home by myself, I went too. I was hoping to find some summer pants because I really only have jeans or one pair of shorts. The pants were either expensive or hideous, so I came home with nothing. When Paul rang last night, he chastised me for spending too much. I cried myself to sleep, thinking about how Susanne paid for everyone’s meal except mine.

While Susanne and Tom shopped, dad and I caught a movie. It was okay, but I liked the book better.

After dinner, I washed up. I called out, “Who’s drying?”

Susanne replied, “I’ll do it later.”

That’s funny. A couple of nights ago when Tom was washing up, Susanne threw me a tea towel and ordered me to help dry. Now she thinks it’s alright for her to ‘do it later’? Argh!

September 7

While dad was in the council office enquiring about subdividing his land to build another house, Susanne and I looked at the council info. It was interesting. We discovered that quite a few famous people grew up around this area. It was so nice having her to myself; Tom was tired so he stayed home. Susanne is like a totally different person when he’s not around. She and I had so much fun today!

This afternoon, I went for a walk by myself. I didn’t have anywhere specific in mind. I found a supermarket and bought a few things. Not too much, I still had to carry it home. I hoped I’d remember the way back!

Susanne and Tom are flying home tomorrow. She’s been over here a month now, staying with me for most of it until we came up here so she and Tom could look at houses. I’ll miss her when she’s gone.

September 8

Today was horrible.

Tom was taking a really long shower, much longer than usual. Susanne assumed it was relaxing him for the flight home, he’s a nervous flyer, apparently. The bathroom door was locked. She convinced dad to break open the door… Tom was lying on the floor of the shower and he wasn’t breathing. Susanne yelled for someone to call an ambulance. By the time dad had phoned triple zero, Susanne had shut off the water and put a towel over Tom. I know CPR from work so I started that until the ambulance arrived.

The ambulance took Tom to the hospital, hooked up to all sorts of machines, sirens blaring. Susanne and dad followed in the car. I stayed here for when the police came; apparently it’s procedure when someone dies at home.

In the quiet few minutes before the police arrived, I poured the peanut oil I purchased yesterday into the garden and replaced Tom’s shampoo bottle so no trace of peanuts would be found.



Renee Bugden

Fiction author. Disney nerd. Lover of afternoon naps.