Self-service Data warehouses: Data warehousing Trends

chamathka maddugoda
Quick Insight
Published in
1 min readMay 26, 2023

Self service data warehouse, a recent trend in data warehousing, is the data warehousing solution which allows non technical users to access and analyze data.

Why Self-service data warehousers are trending?

The reason behind its popularity can be due to various factors

  1. Flexibility: self service warehousing allows the users with the flexibility to retrieve and manipulate data independently which enables users to respond quickly to changing business needs. Traditionally this requires a lengthy cycle of data requests, transformations, and reporting.
  2. Improved productivity: with no requirement to manually extract they access and manipulate data using intuitive interfaces, visualizations, and self-service tools with increased productivity.
  3. Cost savings: self-service data warehousing allows business users to handle their own data needs.
  4. Competitive Advantage: With self-service data warehouses, users can quickly explore and analyze data, gaining insights that can provide a competitive advantage

Oracle designed self service data warehouse with the main intention of simplifying tasks of DBA.

That’s a quick overview of self service data warehouses. If you are interested in keeping up with trends in data engineering and data warehousing trends keep connected.

You might also be interested in Zero copy cloning: Data warehousing Trends.

Happy reading !

