Ziyaad Isaacs
Quick Marketing
Published in
10 min readJun 1, 2019

“The money is in the list!” If you’ve been in the internet marketing sphere for any amount of time, you’ve no doubt read this before.
​But is the money in the list?

Not in every niche though.

That does NOT mean it’s not worth building an email list in those niches. You just have to adjust your expectations and do the best you can with alternatives to selling/affiliate promotion. You also need to embrace your list for purposes other than generating revenue directly.

Yes, in some niches email marketing is incredibly lucrative. But sadly, email marketing is not the most lucrative in many niches such as News type sites (celebrity news, sports news, etc.).
The fact is, people don’t visit those types of sites to solve a problem. Instead they’re looking to be informed and/or entertained.

In other words, niches that largely entertain are not ripe for hyper lucrative email marketing because the audience isn’t looking to buy anything.

Sure you might get lucky here and there, but it’s too inconsistent to count on.

That said, in my experience, it’s still worth building a list because as I’ve discovered there are ways to monetize that type of list without trying to sell/promote products.

In other words, promoting/selling to some lists is futile. Which means you need to find other ways to make money from those lists. Fortunately you have options.
Here they are.

Native Ads in Email Newsletter

Are you bad at selling or getting people to purchase affiliate products then this will be the best option for you.

The whole purpose of this is to just send out as much emails as you want and for every click or view you get on the Ads you get paid.
Simple right ?

You probably asking, but how big should your email list be to make a decent income from all your subscribers. While that all depends how you define a decent income, its could be $100 a month or $5000 a month it all depends how much subscribers you have and how much the ad networks pay out.

If you only got 1000 subscribers on your email list you can still make a good amount of if you send out at least one email per day.

Lets say that the network pays out $7 CPM or (per 1000 views) and you get all your subscribers to open your emails every that. That $5 x 30 = $150 that you can possibly make in a month but email open rates are known for being low so its best to get as much email sign ups as possible to have a higher chance of seeing your emails.

Here are the top 4 Email Ad Networks in 2019:


Sell Ad Space & Solo Ads

What are email solo ads you say ?

Solo ads are ads that people buy to advertise to your email subscribers, whether that is a product or service.
Sometimes selling ad space requires networking and reaching out, negotiating a deal and so on.

I would love to sell ad space and solo ads in my email newsletter; however, my list is too small to really go after this revenue source. Selling ad space requires networking and reaching out, negotiating a deal and so on.

The size of the transaction isn’t worth my time and it certainly isn’t worth the time of large merchants who do such advertising.
There is however many places you buy solo and sell solo ads, and you can charge as much as $20-$60 per 100 possible clicks.

But remember most large merchants don’t want to invest the time it takes to set up a deal like this for 1,000 visitors. Instead, they want 10,000 to 100,000 visitors or more.

That said, in some niches, merchants will work with much smaller lists if it’s the right list and high-value sales where one or a handful of sales make the entire process worth it. Like anything online, all of this depends so much on the niche.

How much money can merchants make off solo ads you mite be asking ?

If merchants are spending $1.00 per click for AdWords clicks, there’s potentially a terrific win/win situation for you and merchants. Let’s crunch some numbers: • Subscribers: 200,000 • CTR: 5% (that’s 10,000 visitors sent to the merchant) • Cost per click: $.25 (you give a good rate to get the deal done) • Revenue: 200,000 x .05 x $.30 = $2,500.

I think getting a 5% CTR would require a well written solo ad, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility. Imagine selling 2 to 4 of those each month. That’s not bad. The downside is you have to sometimes reach out to get the big sales.

Also, please keep in mind the above numbers are merely hypothetical. In some niches, the revenue would be much, much higher and in other niches lower.

Send traffic to your website every day (regular intervals)
This is my number one reason for building a list in niches even where it’s difficult to sell anything.

But wait Ziyaad how the hell can you can possibly make money sending people to your site if you gave no traffic?

While i’m glad you asked, there are many ways to do just that and tons more benefits to for your blog.

Ad revenue

But why put ads on my websites I thought this was about emails?
Yes it is but it would be wrong of me to hide this from you since I help many of my freelance clients make thousands of dollars each months with this simple method.

If you monetize your website with display ads, every visitor counts for revenue. With an email list, you have instant traffic.

Let’s do some simple math:
• Number of subscribers: 10,000
• Click through rate: 15%
• Number of Email Newsletters per month: 15
• Traffic to website per month: 10,000 x .15 x 15 = 22,500 visitors Revenue:
• RPM: $8
• Pages per visitor: 2
• Revenue per 1,000 visitors = $16
• Revenue via email newsletter: $16 x 22.5 = $360 per month.

$360 per month isn’t life changing money. However, imagine the revenue with 1 million subscribers (which can happen reasonably fast if your site takes off):

1 million subscribers would be $360 x 100 = $36,000 per month on almost autopilot without selling a thing. That’s not counting the potential fortune to be made with in-email ads and of course selling ad space.

There is also the benefit of ranking your website on Google and getting even more traffic.
The biggest benefit is SEO and the organic traffic it brings with it.

Search engines like web pages with consistent traffic. By sending your readers to established posts over and over plus sending them to new posts as they’re published, you trickle traffic to much of your website regularly.

This is great for your overall website health, especially keeping traffic going to older post on a daily basis.

Sell your list
I’m not a big fan of this method but if the going get tough and you cash or just you followers don’t mind then go for it.

But its best to sell your list if you never promised to keep email information private or you’re selling the entire niche site as an asset sale which includes the email list.

If you plan on keeping your niche going, you’ll probably want to think twice about this. People don’t like their private information sold despite the fact it’s done all the time.

You can easily get $0.25 per email addresses in your email list and get net your some money if you really need it.

Promote social channels

If you’re having tremendous success with a particular social media channel, you should definitely promote that channel to your email newsletters.

For example, if you’re still able to drive a lot of traffic from Facebook, you should definitely encourage your email readers to like your Facebook page.

The reason you should be promoting you social media pages is that there is multiple ways to generate money from your pages.

These are the ways you can make money with social media:
Influencer marketing
Affiliate marketing
E book sales
CPA marketing
Direct message bots

These are just some of the ways that you can make money from social media but lets go over a few of them.

Influencer marketing

Many businesses and people that are in the same niche as you will pay you just so you can make a post about them on social media.

Depending on how many followers you have on social media you can easily make an extra $5000 a month if you have 50 000 followers on instagram.

These are the best websites to get influencer marketing opportunities for your social media pages.

· 1. Upfluence

· 2. NeoReach

· 3. AspireIQ (formerly Revfluence)

· 4. Hypr

· 5. Julius

· 6. Open Influence

· 7. Dovetale

· 8. Scrunch

· 9. Takumi

· 10. Tapinfluence

· 11. Onalytica

· 12. Hypetap

· 13. Famebit

E book

You can create a Ebook in less than a week and start selling it straight from your social pages.

There is many websites you can use to create Ebooks fast, some provide templates and all you have to do is provide content.

You can use canva or designrr for free and you can create a Ebook in record time

You can even be on of the people that make $100 000 from a single Ebook if you follow the steps of people that sold their Ebooks for less than $6.

But Ziyaad how the hell am I going to make money selling Ebooks for less the $6 you mite be asking?

Check this out and let it sink.

Affiliate marketing​

You can make landing pages and promote Amazon products by sending people from your email list straight to your landing page.

Many people I know make over $10 000 a month with Amazons affiliate programs.

You can also promote products from JVZoo, which is an affiliate marketplace place very similar to clickbank that has mostly digital products. You can get anywhere from 50% — 100% of the price of the products from JVZoo and most products costs between $10 — $50 per product, so there is a good amount of money to be made.


If you got a service you can provide like me with a big email list (at least 200 000 subscribers) then you can easily get make over $100 000 a year depending on pricing and what services you offer.

I sell mostly writing and web development services so I charge anywhere from $10 — $150 per hour depending on what the clients wants and how much time it takes to complete the job.

You can also outsource any of the work you get to other freelancers and pocket the difference . If you charge $50 for a 1000 word blog post and pay a freelancer $20 to create it for you then you pocket $30.

The best part about this method is that its is easy to scale and as long as you develop a good relationship with your subscribers and clients you can make a good income with this tactic.

Link shortners

Wait what!

You can make money just by sharing links?

You damn right you can make money sharing links to your friends which is most probably something you already doing, you mite as well get paid for it right ?

Link shortners like Short.te and
displays ads to anyone who clicks the links and for every views the ads get, you get paid.

Services like Short.te pay up to $14 per 1000 impressions or views on the ad, you must just send people from you email list from to a blog post and short the URL with one of these link shortening services then watch the money start rolling in.


Lets forget about email for one second and imagine being able to having 98% open rates from all the messages you said .

You can stop imagining now course its possible with a Facebook direct message bot.

You can send people messages directly to their inbox and they will basically be forced to see it whenever they check their inbox.

If you want to set this up just check out this link, you can thank me later.


Remember nothing worthwhile in life comes easy.

Seeing as how email can make you a good income stream, I best you want to build your email list out faster then ever now right?

But remember do not send email readers directly to Amazon with an Amazon affiliate link.
Do not send email readers directly to Amazon with an Amazon affiliate link.

This violates Amazon Associates TOS.

Do NOT stick AdSense ads in your email newsletter
AdSense prohibits sticking their ads in emails as this is probably because its harder for them to track and opens them up to spammers.

This above is rules can you can never break as you will get removed from both amazon ass
We have finally got to the end of this article and hope you learnt a thing or two from reading this article.

If you in need of writing or web development services don’t hesitate to contact me.
Please comment below and share this article if you like it.



Ziyaad Isaacs
Quick Marketing