What is a ‘Buyer Persona’ and why is everyone getting it wrong?

Alexandra Cowen
Quick Marketing
Published in
7 min readNov 20, 2019


So you have heard people throwing this term around as if everyone has one and everyone knows what one is.

You are right many do, in fact, all businesses do, they may not understand their ‘Buyer Persona’ but they definitely have one. The problem lies with the knowledge we have lost in information. If I ask you right now, who your target audience or ideal customer is, I’m sure that you can give me a very logical reply. A reply that may be along the lines of- a small to medium-sized company in xyz vertical that needs abc product/quality or service. With this answer, you would definitely be off to a good start, but you need to turn this around and put this on its head.

Humans are irrational; we feel first and think second.

Your ideal customer expects his experience to be personalised, relevant, memorable and valuable. While your sales and strategic marketing plan will define how you are going to achieve this, your ‘Buyer Persona Profile’ will give you perspective on how to move past what your products and services are and communicate why it makes sense for them to work with you: how it is going to make them feel and how they can become part of your story. Resulting in great alignment amongst your Product, Marketing and Sales teams.

But, What is a Buyer…



Alexandra Cowen
Quick Marketing

Coffee fuelled Marketing and content strategist #Speaker #Neuroscience | Help Biz’s dig into the details, pull data apart and figure out the right story to tell