<EN> GCP Next 2016 World Tour | São Paulo

Mônica Ribeiro
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2016

by Daniel Fernandes Silva e Mônica Ribeiro

<temos uma versão em português aqui>

On November 10, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) chose MuBE, in São Paulo, as a stop for its World Tour 2016. Even with limited space for the presential meeting, the event was broadcast worldwide, live on YouTube . The opening was attended by representatives of the platform and important clients that reported their cases. During the rest of the day happened several presentations.

The Opening

GCP vice president Carl Schachter highlighted the importance of the cloud environment for developers and how security and practicality are aligned in the solutions that Google designs.

Soon after Tom Gray, EMEA Cloud Platform Solutions Engineering, clarified the mission of Google and which strategies were adopted to invest $ 27 bi in the construction of its infrastructure and customer support. In addition, he talked about the uptrend in cloud usage over the last 4 years. At some moments of Tom’s presentation, Fábio Andreotti took the opportunity to invite representatives of selected companies to the stage to share their experience of migration and use of GCP. Umberto Reis, Arnaldo Pereira (Magazine Luiza), Jorge Pilo (Easy Taxi), Edson Brandi (FS).

During the event, there were 2 different presentations at the same time. All the guests could choose which one they would like to attend. These were our choices:

Data and Analytics

Speaker: Felipe Hoffa, Developer Advocate, Google Cloud

1. Big Data no Google Platform
2. Real-time data analysis with BigQuery

In the first presentation, Felipe presented several GCP tools applicable to Big Data, such as Data Flow, Apache Beam and some streaming processing techniques. In the second, with a bigger focus on BigQuery, he emphasized that the basis of innovation is the junction between data, ideas and technology.

Application Develoment

Speaker: Bret McGowen, Developer Advocate, Google Cloud

Machine learning without PhD

Bret showed the power of GCP’s Machine Learning with algorithms being able to describe and translate texts into images and recognize speech in several languages, even in noisy environments.

Infrastructure and Operations

Speaker: Jyrki Pulliainen, Software Engineer, Spotify

Spotify: Storage and Stories, World Music Migration to GCS

Jyrki made a point of mentioning the volume of data in the migration of the Spotify files: 1.5 billion files, in a system divided into 300 microservices, running on 15,000 hosts. He also emphasized the maintenance of the file cache, Spotify’s main challenge in this migration.

Speaker: Bill Prin, Developer Programs Engineer, Google

Monitoring of different clouds through the Stackdriver

Bill cited 5 StackDriver features, such as capturing metrics, logs, tracking, errors, and trace. All this allowed real-time construction of dashboards on the use of server resources, search of logs generated by applications and debugging of services in the production environment.

Code Lab

GCP took advantage of the event to create an environment where guests could make hands-on to test and better understand the platform’s solutions. In addition, a cool environment with Chromebooks was set up.

Our point of view

This event has confirmed notable features of Google: its capacity for growth and innovation, with intelligent solutions to the challenges faced in the daily business.
With the technologies that Google offers, we become even more apt to manipulate our data, being able to apply our wildest and most innovative ideas and move forward in building the future.

Any questions or need to share an idea with us, leave a comment below! ;)

