All the World’s a Stage

J Richard Dema
Quick Principles
Published in
1 min readJan 28, 2016

The role of marketing can be understood as, or is analogous to, certain activities of a successful theatrical production.

Marketing consists of all the activities it takes to secure both a stage or meeting place and an interested audience for the play, not to mention producing the play itself. I.e., the good old 4 P’s: place, promotion, price and product.

Sales, however, is the presentation of the play with the intention of moving the audience emotionally. That’s why they will buy tickets… to feel something, not to sit in an uncomfortable auditorium with a thousand strangers.



J Richard Dema
Quick Principles

Founder & CEO of SM&S Systems, Inc., a management and marketing consulting firm, for over 56 years. And I have enough gray hair to get me in trouble.