A Game of Votes: The Results Are In

Tom Macko
Quick Question
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2015


This past week we were interested in what millennials think is in store for season 5 of Game of Thrones.

We asked. You answered. Let’s see where we all stand.

Winter is not Quite Here

Will the White Walkers make it south of The Wall this season? We've been waiting through four full seasons now for the first snowflake so it’s hard to believe we’ll ever see it.

It was close…but it seems that 55% of the votes said the White Walkers won’t be touching the wall anytime soon. The optimistic 45% is a category I wish I could fall into myself. If we know anything about the show, it’s that they love to jerk us around.

Queen’s Landing? Possibly.

Will Daenerys, the ever popular fan favorite, take the iron throne this season? Whether you love her or hate her you have to admit she knows how to take the heat…

As of now she seems to have the most going for her, but voters aren't entirely convinced. We’re looking at an even 50/50 split on if the Targaryens will retake the throne.

This is a hard question to answer. While she is in a good position, we can’t forget the constant curve balls that get thrown our way. By the season finale the Mothers of Dragons could just as easily be nothing but a memory.

It’s Almost Time for Dragon Tales

Will the dragons play a bigger role this season? We watched them hatch, grow, and take flight. Now that they are fully grown and capable of doing some damage, we demand action!

This was the closest question to reaching a consensus with a solid 82% of votes in predicting more dragons throughout this season. To this I say: Bring on the flames and smoldering rubble! It’s about time.

Regardless of what happens this season, we can almost be certain it will be spectacular. Four seasons in and they have yet to let us down (with the exception of The Mountain vs. The Viper - check out how it should have ended…because it should have ended like this).

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out QuickQuestion on Twitter and the app store. Every week we will be asking for your opinion on…well, just about everything!




Tom Macko
Quick Question

This page contains a few pieces I wrote while working on a marketing degree. I'll eventually dedicate the space to new publications spanning different topics.