Grow Up

yes. No!

Quick Thoughts..


It was my dream; to grow up and be somebody.

AT 27, considered grown up, I often feel like a nobody. I don’t know what comprises being somebody. I have forgotten my dream. I don’t like being grown up. At least not all the time!

Not that I like kids either. I could not be that. Noisy little balls of energy, getting everyone’s attention. We’d do anything for them. They are our future!

Who will probably ignore us as they become the present.

Earlier, I was in a hurry to grow up. Now everyone seems to want me to grow up and be practical. I feel I am both and they just don’t understand.

I know now, I (even you) won’t stop hearing or using the phrase “Grow up!” anytime soon, So this goes out to all those kids wanting to grow faster-

Enjoy it while it lasts ☺

and all the grown ups; don’t forget that you can still grow-

perhaps not taller, but wider ;) || not faster maybe, but smarter || perhaps not mind-blowing but loving || not less demanding maybe, but more forgiving?

