How Entrepreneurs Can Stay Motivated In Difficult Times

5 min readOct 28, 2015


For those of you who don’t know, I’m blessed to be able to work with hundreds of entrepreneurs and freelancers across the globe via my partner network

I am sometimes a bit taken back when people create something of a super star out of me. The reality is, I may be more experienced — but we’re all pretty much the same… I have the same issues everyone does. I run into road blocks, I loose deals (not many, but it happens) and yes, I also have days where I can feel like a complete failure.

Part of this is what makes me me. I’m never satisfied. Never have been. I’m always looking for the next “big thing” — constantly pushing myself to do more, to be more.

People see me in videos, they attend my courses, watch me speak, purchase my products, etc. And when I’m viewed in this light, I’m seen at my very best. The camera’s are perfect, lighting is perfect, audio is fantastic. It’s easy to start to think that I’m some kind of super hero business owner. But there are a few people behind the scenes that get to see me and all my faults — in all their glory. I love these people, they keep my grounded.

Imagine seeing me throw my macbook across the room — that’s a sight to see — what can I say, I’m passionate!

Have you ever seen that TV commercial for snickers w/Joe Pesci?

That’s me! My close friends even have a name for my alter ego — they call him “Scottsdale”. And if I’m hungry, Scottsdale comes out!

I bring this up because it’s important for all of us to know that everyone deals with frustrating situations. I get mad, frustrated, sad, hurt, etc. But, the difference is how I handle these situations today vs. a few years ago.

While I might still throw a macbook here and there, that’s usually the worst of it. And once I’ve thrown my temper tantrum — I’m pretty much done. 5–10 minutes later, I’m back to normal.

Guys love to throw stuff! My wife doesn’t understand this. It must be a guy thing.

In fact, if you were to spend an entire week with me — you’d get to see the good, the bad, the ugly and the exciting! When times get tough, or energy is failing or I just don’t feel like being a grown up — that’s when I have to lean on my personal program. (after I throw my macbook, of course)

We all need a board of directors — for life.

I have a handful of wise people that I’ve enlisted to be on my board. These are typically older and wiser men and women that I admire. This isn’t a paid position. It’s a life position.

When I have really hard decisions that need to be made, I run it by my board. I get feedback, advice, prayer and guidance from those who have gone before me. My board isn’t limited to work topics. We talk about marriage, parenting — all of it. I can’t tell you how valuable this is.

On my board there are a couple pastors, a counselor and other business owners — all 5 to 30 years my senior. In fact, one of my mentors is 78 years old and he’s in better shape than I am! Having access to these honorable men and women is critical to my life success — we should all have this.

This is the team of people you lean on when things get tough. These are the ones who have your back.

Do what you love — in life and business.

I have never gone into business for the money. Money is nothing more than a tool. It’s not the goal. Money is a product of hard work.

As we say in the Marines — “There are no silver bullets — just lots and lots of lead ones.”

And it’s so true. So, don’t waste another minute doing stuff you hate. Stop it. Put your energy into things that you love — in life and in business.

If you’re stuck doing a bunch of things you hate. You dug the hole. So, now it’s time to make a plan to dig yourself out of it. Don’t sit there playing the sandbox that you can’t stand — fighting for toys you don’t care about. Get up, move on — go build a new sandbox.

No one ever said this would be easy, but it for darn sure had better be rewarding! If you’re not having fun, why bother?

What you focus on matters

What we focus on will come into view. So, be very careful what you focus on. Think of your brain like a camera — what kind of picture do you want for your life?

Your brain will take your thoughts, the things you focus on, and make them reality. This isn’t hippie dippie stuff, this is real. Don’t point that camera (your mind and thought life) on the negative stuff — focus on the positive stuff!

Envision where you want to be, not where you are.

Give yourself a break — by helping others

Welcome to my “break”… And here is the most valuable lesson that I can leave you with. When you’ve run out of steam or your motivation is fading — go find someone to help. The quickest way to make your dreams come true is to become a part of someone else’s.

Many of us get stuck working so much that we forget why we’re working. I can tell you this, no one ever said on their death bed “I wish I would have worked more.” Make it a point to spend quality time with friends and family.

And, this isn’t just about work and business stuff. Go feed the homeless, get involved in a non-profit, show up and be helpful. If you give money to charity, that’s great — but your time is more valuable, is it not? So, give some time. You’ll be amazed at what this can do!

Sometimes — we just need to get out of our own heads.

As I write this out I realize that you were probably expecting an answer. Some sort of wiz-bang theory that you could do right now that would change the trajectory of your attitude/business/life.

There are no silver bullets, just lots and lots of lead ones.

The sooner you find people to lean on, and others to help — the sooner you’ll be ready to take on the world again.

The reality is, time heals all wounds. And this is 100% true. What they leave out when they tell us this is — it’s going to feel like a kidney stone. Welcome to life. It’ll pass.

The fact is, once you’ve crashed — it’s too late to worry about safety precautions. All you can do is work to avoid them next time.

You can and will make it — as long as you stay focused on what you love and those you love. I promise :)




No matter who you are or how you got here, I hope you find something positive and/or motivating from these articles.