What you should know to create a telemedicine app

Elena Kvitkovska
QuickBlox Engineering
3 min readApr 21, 2020

Telehealth applications is a growing trend worldwide that becomes even more important during the global healthcare crisis. In this article, we will tell about basic functionality of telemedicine software and its implementation with QuickBlox services.

Key functionality of telemedicine platform

All telemedicine applications consist of three major parts: doctor & patient profile, and admin panel that is accessible only by the medical staff.

Users Profile

Here you can find and fill in the important information about the client, such as passport details, gender, age, etc. The medical records about the diseases and treatment are also stored here, along with critical information about allergies and chronic ailments.

Doctor Profile

The patient gets the list of available doctors and book an appointment. The app provides information about the doctor’s specialization, rating, reviews, and schedule. This allows the patient to choose a suitable specialist and to book the best time. After the appointment, the patient has an opportunity to leave the review and to rate the doctor.


Using Google Maps integration, the app can determine the patient’s location, recommend the nearby pharmacies, hospitals or find a nearby doctor available for a consultation.

Communication Methods

Efficient communication is critical for telehealth application since it helps the doctor to better understand the health state of the patient. To provide a quality connection, the telehealth app must have the following communication options:

  • In-app chat messaging for brief dialogues;
  • 1–1 & group video calling for doctor-patient calls
  • Video conferencing for the doctors to consult with the colleagues
  • File sharing to exchange symptom photos, prescriptions, test results

All these features can be easily set up with QuickBlox API. You will set up the high-quality connection without spending lots of time and money on managing the development.

Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

Here you can store the patient’s medical records, including the results of tests, check-ups, screenings. It also allows monitoring if the patient is following the doctor’s prescriptions. EMR integration helps to make the treatment process more precise and logical, but requires advanced security measures and strong development skills.

Here at QuickBlox, we can configure secure patient data storage according to international standards, such as HIPAA and GDPR. Our team will do everything you need, so you don’t have to spend your resources on development process.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)

Remote patient monitoring systems are used by healthcare companies to check the health status of the patients. It is also used to monitor older people who are not able to independently carry out all the necessary medical manipulations. Home telemedicine is especially relevant for patients who need regular examinations (for example, for people with heart diseases) or for patients with contagious diseases that need follow quarantine measures.

Symptom Checker

This feature can accurately the symptoms without visiting the doctor’s office — the patient fills in the survey and the system compares them with the symtpoms of the major ailments. Although it cannot substitute the face-to-face diagnostics, it provides fast and rather accurate health assessment. A patient needs to enter his symptoms and answer a few simple questions. As a result, possible future treatment steps will be established. It also stores the patient’s history in the medical platform.

Prescription and Medication Tracker

Such features as file sharing and push notifications will make the doctor-patient interaction more productive. The app will send reminders for the patient to take medicine, and the doctor will be able to efficiently monitor the progress of the treatment.

With QuickBlox SDKs, you can integrate the push notification system and to your healthcare app and customize it in a way you need.


Delivering health care through telemedicine apps is a growing trend today that becomes even more important during the social isolation period. QuickBlox team has extensive experience in developing HIPAA-compliant telemedicine software. When you are ready to create your doctor-on-demand app, be sure to contact us. We will offer you the right solution to grow your business and drive more revenue.

