5 Vendor Onboarding Checklist for successful Vendor Onboarding

Abhishek Mishra
3 min readMay 22, 2021


It takes a lot of effort and time to establish new vendor partnerships. New vendor onboarding, including new client and new employee onboarding will have a significant effect on the organization’s long-term performance. Vendor onboarding checklist helps both sides to understand each other and for a good start. Using it you can easily collaborate with new vendors.

Each market and supplier relationship is unique, so a simple checklist can help them to understand their vendors during the time of onboarding. As we know people who provide goods or services to businesses are referred to as vendors. In this article, we are going to discuss the vendor onboarding checklist as it helps you to get started on creating a strategy.

But wait, if you want to to learn about vendor onboarding first then click here.

The Vendor Onboarding Checklist

The vendor onboarding process will help you to prevent expensive mistakes, along with the ones that put your organization at legal or compliance risk. Hence to make sure that you don’t miss any details during the time of onboarding here are certain checklists that you can use whenever you’re onboarding a new supplier.


When it comes to onboarding then the first stage is vendor evaluation and risk management:

  • Examine the supplier’s operating history.
  • Check their environmental credentials.
  • Go through their credit and financial backgrounds.
  • Must follow government rules and regulations.
  • Request them to sign all the important documents.

Gather Information about Products

Approval of all the documents plays the most important role after evaluation. Gathering information about products before the onboarding is like understanding the basic requirements needed for the onboarding process. So here are the things that consist in the information gathering:

  • Several requirements must be fulfilled.
  • Timeliness of delivery.
  • Pricing plans.
  • Terms of payment.
  • Requirements for placing an order.
  • The delivery procedure.
  • Education and training conditions.

Vendor Information Gathering

The simplest way to collect all the details during the time of onboarding is to use an online platform where each supplier can enter their records easily. The details consist of the following:

  • Name, address, and phone number.
  • Documentation, licenses, or insurance.
  • Bank account details.
  • Vendor contact information.

Share all Information Internally

Sharing information for internal use plays the next most important role in the process of vendor onboarding. Where the internal information consists of:

  • Department of Accounts.
  • Department of Purchasing.
  • Inventory management and warehousing.

Information sharing with the Vendor

To ensure that your vendor trusts you, sharing information with them gives them the impression that their information is secure. Here is the list of information that is needed to be shared with the vendor:

  • Keep a record of all documents and submit them for formal approval.
  • Provide information on invoicing.
  • Contact information of managers, accounts is needed.
  • Provide training and orientation sessions if needed.

Also Read: 11 Critical Risk Coverage in Vendor Risk Management


Creating a onboarding checklist is a smart way to speed up the vendor onboarding process. Not only this it helps in the integration of disjointed procedures in vendor onboarding and enhances data capture, knowledge collection from vendors, which is very important during the time of vendor onboarding.

Evaluation, gather information about products, vendor information gathering, share all information internally, information sharing with the vendor all are covered in a vendor onboarding checklist. To ensure seamless and systematic execution of the vendor onboarding process, checklists help a lot during the time of the vendor onboarding process.

About Quickboarding

Quickboarding on/off-boarding resolution is the best suit for vendor onboarding automation. Its receptive use and self conjugation platform help Banks, HR, and Insurance firms in automating completely different reasonably on/off-boarding use cases. Contact the North American nation if you would like to envision and skill a digital transformation in your business.

