Have Multiple Goals? Here’s How To Balance Them Effectively

Forget about dropping the ball.

Corey Fradin


You’re excited, but also overwhelmed. In the course of one afternoon, you’ve managed to set a wide array of goals for yourself. Goals like:

  • Finish writing your novel by the end of the quarter
  • Do 50 crunches a day
  • Track your caloric intake five days a week
  • Read one book a week
  • Volunteer somewhere with your best friend once a quarter
  • Email 15 potential guests for your podcast each day for a month

It’s a lot, yet it’s also inspiring. You feel really good about your goals and can’t wait to start working on them. But.. you’re not sure how to manage it all.

Balancing ten+ goals

As of this writing, I have ten+ goals.

Some are achievement goals, some are habit goals. Some are time-consuming, some aren’t. And some are easy, where others are pretty painful.

Contrasts aside though, there is one thing they all have in common.

They all require my time.

To some degree, they each need my undivided focus and attention. And, having over ten goals, that can quickly…

