How to Use Heatmaps to Improve Your Website

Jesse Rowe
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2018

What is a heatmap?

  • Heatmaps are visual representations of attention, engagement, and interactions generated by your visitors as they navigate through your site. You can then use this analysis to make a ‘map’ highlighting which areas attract the most attention or engagement on your site.

Why should you use a heatmap?

To measure engagement

  • Do you write online articles, and wonder up until what point your audience stops reading? Using a heatmap can help you visualize the ‘scroll’ of a user, and where they interact with your site. If you notice that only a tiny percentage of people actually reach your CTA, it might be time to make a change.

To measure actions taken

  • Where do my visitors click? Are they clicking the right button? Heatmaps help you see if your visitors are completing your desired actions, and also highlight where they might be getting stuck.

To measure attention

  • What images attract the most attention? What elements are distracting from the main content? Do my visitors see my form? Once you have solid answers to these questions, you can start making changes that will increase your conversion rates.


  • Gaining the answers to the above questions can help you answer even more nagging questions:
  • Where should I place my most important content?
  • What’s the best way to use images and videos?
  • Where are my visitors getting distracted?
  • Where should I talk about my product/service?

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Product of the Day:

Hotjar is a new and easy way to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors. With more people reluctant to share information, Hotjar gives you the tools to understand them without asking them to fill out a form.​

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