Do You Love Someone Who Was From an Unwanted Pregnancy? A Pro-Choicer’s Views on This and Other Matters

I feel sympathetic towards some cases, even though I’m pro-choice

Sieran Lane
Published in
11 min readJul 15, 2022


A cute Jack Russell terrier puppy standing on grass and looking up at the camera.
Photo by Lenkadan licensed from DepositPhotos, Author has subscription and license to use photo.

It fills me with grief to see Roe vs Wade overturned. This will threaten the health and safety of anyone who can get pregnant, whether they are cis women, trans men, non-binary, or gender fluid people.

Maybe I’m too much of an optimist because I had believed a while ago that an overturn would be absurd: How could America make abortion illegal again?

But it still happened.

I don’t think those who voted against Roe in the Supreme Court truly care about babies in the womb, though. They only care about control and making people who can get pregnant feel helpless.

In fact, it’s downright manipulative of politicians to paint pro-choicers as villains, as if we’re selfish, heartless, and don’t care about innocent children.

The opposite is true.

It’s time to debunk those unfair myths about pro-choicers. Let me unpack this point by point. I will also show you some of my unconventional views on abortion.

Do you love someone who was from an unwanted pregnancy? Many of…



Sieran Lane

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect!