QuickTalk Friday Interview Series

Grieving the Loss of a Beloved Pet

Scot Butwell
6 min readSep 23, 2022


An interview with Lu Skerdoo

Photo credit Lu Skerdoo.

He went to appointments with the vet and then for tests with a cardiologist … and was always stoic.

There were new meds, a food enhancer, and check-ups on his blood … and Lu Anne hoped everything would work out with Frosty.

But as anyone who has ever loved and lost a pet knows, losing a beloved pet is hard — it’s just like losing a close friend or family member.

I could tell from reading Lu Anne’s stories about her dog, written from the point of view of Frosty, that he held a very special place in her heart.

Frosty was not “just a dog.” He was Lu Anne’s best friend.

You first met Frosty at a shelter, right?

A friend of mine prayed with me to find the right dog, and we headed to Inland Valley Humane Society in Pomona California … and he was the only dog not barking. He was placed on hold for a family who was going to adopt him. I’d call the shelter often asking about him and one day the family decided not to adopt him. I swooped in. He had a kind spirit and I was drawn to his sweetheart.

What other characteristics drew you to Frosty?



Scot Butwell

I am embarrassing according to teenage son. My jokes are terrible and I don't know when to stop annoying my son. I am the dad of an autistic son. A funny kid.