Medium Had a Major Problem Sending Notifications to People Yesterday

Are we going to sweep this under the rug or talk about it?

The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

So, if you were on the platform at all yesterday, you would’ve noticed when you woke up that nothing was coming through. I thought, at first, that maybe I wasn’t so popular anymore but then quickly dismissed that notion. Another fellow editor had brought it to my attention that his notifications weren’t coming through either.

That can be really inconvenient for someone who edits on a dozen publications and has to check them all manually to make sure they’re not missing anything. These notifications can be annoying sometimes, especially when there are literally hundreds but they keep us connected and informed on the platform. I especially enjoy receiving encouragement and reciprocating it and knowing when readers are clapping and engaging with my work.

If I don’t even know who’s telling me anything, that’s a major miss in communication and a large problem on the platform. I’m hoping that it was just temporary as things have gone back to normal today with the notifications now coming back in real-time. The platform, even before it changed hands, already has had its long list of minor problems here and there and it’s become a constant thing.

Now I’m not one of those writers who’s going to bitch and moan and say that the platform is dying. The platform can only be what we all collectively make it and I love writing here. I’m just highlighting a large, temporary problem that the platform ran into yesterday. This affected the flow of editing, writing, and reading majorly yesterday.

I’m sure that I’m not the only one who felt the effects of it. I had done my usual super tag to my major milestone story at the worst possible time. I kept wondering why I had zero views on a story that I had tagged hundreds of people in and that’s when I really noticed it. If you also felt the effects of it, feel free to comment below on how it affected you.

From what I could tell, the problem persisted for almost 24 hours. Some of the notifications were coming through yesterday and were sometimes delayed 8–12 hours but others weren’t coming in at all. I suspect that Coach Tony and his team are trying to deliver on some promises that they’ve made for the future and that this disruption was probably part of the update (at least I hope it was). Here’s to hoping that there will be fewer technical problems but as we all know this is all just part of the operation.

We continue to just go with the flow as things come and go. Well, my short-ish rant is over. Again, how did yesterday’s notification delay affect you and your workflow on the platform? Thanks for reading.



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.