A Guide To Clickable Titles

How to create a title that gets reads

kasey sparks


Photo by Karim Ghantous on Unsplash

Hello Writers!

I’ll state for the record that I’m no expert on titles. They’re one of my biggest struggles, yet I know they’re also one of the most important parts of my post. My content could be stellar but if my title is meh, no one’s ever going to read my words.

Getting the title right then is crucial. As an editor, I’m often puzzled when an author is open to story edits but not title edits. I’ve read some amazing content with some very bland or confusing titles and authors often won’t budge on tweaking them.

It makes me sigh.

If you have a huge base of followers your stories may get tons of reads regardless of the title you choose but for those like me who are trying to garner reads, a good title is needed to capture someone’s attention.

We publish here because we want our stories to be read, right? And for that to happen, we need a good title.

So although I’m no expert on titles, I have learned a few things about them.

First and foremost, a title should describe your content. If your title is “A Guide to Clickable Titles” it should offer guidelines for clickable titles and not just talk about the importance of titles without offering any meaningful…



kasey sparks

making mistakes · gathering lessons · sparking curiosity · wrangling words & fiddling with titles since 2017