QuickTalk Friday Interview Series

Painting Her Way Around the World

Painting their way around the world

Scot Butwell
Published in
6 min readJul 8, 2022


Photo credit: Jillian Amatt and Chris after selling their home.

Have you ever wanted to be an artist? Or to travel around the world?

What about just taking a pottery class? Then you’ll love this story.

Jillian Amatt and her partner travel the world and paint murals for hostels, hotels, and restaurants in exchange for free accommodation and food.

A hostel owner in Costs Rica suggested the exchange of services idea.

And Jillian and Chris have been painting their way around the world ever since, creating murals in Guatemala, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, and Uganda.

Curious how they do it? Me too. Let’s find out.

Scot: I’m assuming you had a more conventional lifestyle at some point, jobs, possessions, and then one day you decided to break out of the routine?

Jillian: We were everyday citizens living in Canada. We had a house and many possessions. We were both self-employed. I was a house painting contractor. Chris was a landscaper and tattoo artist. We worked very hard and didn’t take much time off. It just felt like we were on a never ending cycle of working to pay bills.

One day I sat down to watch The Minimalists…



Scot Butwell

I am embarrassing according to teenage son. My jokes are terrible and I don't know when to stop annoying my son. I am the dad of an autistic son. A funny kid.