Story Tropes Are Not Your Enemy

Norms and conventions are not always bad

Sieran Lane
Published in
6 min readAug 8, 2022


A shining white unicorn rears up on its hind legs. There’s grass at its feet and a misty sky in the background.
Image by CoreyFord on DepositPhotos. Author has standard license to use image for commercial purposes.

So many people think we should avoid tropes like the plague.

Some folks even delight in ripping apart an otherwise enjoyable story, by pointing out all the tropes in them. And they say that the story is unoriginal and not worth reading.

But guess what? Even our real life is riddled with tropes. Just in my own life, I can see these recurring people and events:

The above all contain links to tropes on TvTropes, a wiki that collects tons of story tropes. Many books, movies, shows, comics, and other fiction works, have their own page on this website with a list of their tropes.

In fact, many trope pages even list real-life examples, such as celebrity news and current affairs. This highlights that tropes are indeed everywhere, in both fiction and reality.



Sieran Lane

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect!