QuickTalk Friday Interview Series

What Happened To Mike Butler?

An interview with my long-lost brother

Scot Butwell
Published in
6 min readDec 2, 2022


Photo credit: Mike Butler in middle.

Hey, Lu Skerdoo and Ginger Cook.

And everyone else … have you ever wondered what the hell happened to Mike Butler?

You remember the stories about his adventures in his childhood and zany adult experiences:

Boxing with Muhammad Ali.

Bullied by a football coach. Getting stuck on a school roof. Dutch oven farts. Tailgating in a church parking lot at a co-worker’s wedding.

“The Boner and The Sinister Speedo Showdown”

Then poof! Mike was gone.

Your last story was August 23… what the hell happened to Mike Butler?

School. Major time-consuming changes at school. I never anticipated the huge impact starting at 8:47 and getting out at 3:45 would have on my time.

I coached our boys’ volleyball team this fall and run all sports for our district. I did it last year, but with later start times, it’s much more work and I usually don’t get home until 6:30 to eat dinner.

I’m too exhausted when I get home to read or write.



Scot Butwell

I am embarrassing according to teenage son. My jokes are terrible and I don't know when to stop annoying my son. I am the dad of an autistic son. A funny kid.