Why Having a Guide on Medium Helps My Writing Life

Colors of Life newsletter #3: Dr. Preeti tells us about the sari, a symbol of Indian culture, and shares tips on time management and self-care for writers

Yana Bostongirl


When I first started on this platform in 2021, I sometimes felt like I was writing into a void. Perhaps the uninspiring stats and engagement were a reason but I would like to think it was something else considering the fact that I didn’t bother checking them in my early days. The strange feeling was due to the fact that I did not know anybody on this platform and although I was slowly discovering my love for blogging, it was a lonely life indeed.

One of the first writers who gave me a warm welcome to this platform was Dr. Preeti Singh and I’m sure those of us who know her, can’t help but be drawn to her warm and sunny personality. She always has something encouraging and kind to say to everyone who crosses paths with her.

Yes, we are all here for something centered on writing. But I personally feel it is also important to have a writer(s) you can look up to and who can help show you the way.

Dr. Preeti is one such person for me.

In addition to being a writer and editor on Medium, Dr. Preeti is also a former professor of finance and the author of 14 published books.

Over the course of 2 years, our friendship took up from mutual admiration to a…



Yana Bostongirl

My life + relationships + writing journey → my blogs (a memoir in motion)| Boosted Writer| 🌸Substack: Yana's World 👇 https://yanabostongirl.substack.com/