Write, Write, Write

My daily calendar reminder that doesn’t get done

Noemi Ergas Bitterman
2 min readApr 3, 2022


Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

These three words “write, write, write” are on my calendar everyday at 2:00pm. I added this task to my calendar about a month ago to prompt myself to write daily. That was the plan and my plan is failing. I have yet to write a paragraph.

My reasoning behind the calendar task is that if I put the words “write, write, write” on my calendar everyday I would write. I have not written one word since adding this task to my calendar. WHAT’S MY ISSUE ?

In my organized world everything is on my calendar. If it’s not on my calendar it doesn’t exist. I send everyone a calendar invite. It’s the perfect way to keep everyone engaged and alert of an appointment or event.

My writing, much like my quest to lose weight, seem unattainable. It has become a daily struggle to get myself to write. But WHY ? I love writing, I love spilling the bazillion ideas in my head into words if only to keep my mind clear of all the clutter I have in it. Yet I haven’t found the inspiration to write despite it being on my calendar everyday.

I ask myself every evening why I can not stick to the plan. It’s what I want. Reaching the goal of writing 2 pages, 100 pages or 1000 pages in my skinny jeans is what I really really want so why can’t I stick to it for even one day, not even one day. Is it really what I want ? Surely by now I could have written something or lost a pound or two. I have no clear answers or new plan.

The only thing that comes to mind is to keep at it, keep it on my calendar and maybe today or tomorrow I will write something and make better food choices. I will not give up or give in or surrender. I will write and I will lose weight and it will be at the right time and not when I command it.



Noemi Ergas Bitterman

Much like Pablo Neruda, “I write, I write just to not die”