QuickTalk Friday Interview Series

Writing with Humor and Verve, Sex, and Talking Baseball While Peeing

Going behind his stories with my brother Michael L Butler

Scot Butwell
Published in
8 min readApr 29, 2022


Author photo: YouTube interview with my brother (on the left).

The stories I like best on Medium make me feel something or laugh. The other trait I like is for a story to let me get to know the writer a little better.

One writer who makes me feel something and laugh is my brother Michael L Butler. For why we have the same mom and different last names, read his story.

I thought I knew him well when he started writing on Medium, but I keep learning new things about him that I never knew, and we’re brothers.

So I wanted to let you get to know my brother better by asking him about a few of his stories and discussing our favorite subject: the craft of writing.

Scot: Let’s talk about the story you’re most famous for, “My Brother’s Farts Got Me in Trouble.” I never realized my farts got you in trouble with dad. Want to tell the story about this and, man, it must have been frustrating.

Mike: It was. I felt like he was taking his anger toward you out on me. He read some stuff in your yearbook about your farting ability, and he kept asking me, “Mike, is he proud of this?” I didn’t know how to…



Scot Butwell

I am embarrassing according to teenage son. My jokes are terrible and I don't know when to stop annoying my son. I am the dad of an autistic son. A funny kid.