How AI & Automation can help reduce workplace stress

Team Quickwork
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2021

Workplace stress is one of the leading causes for people leaving their jobs and the drop in employee productivity; businesses in the US alone lose up to $300 billion in annual revenue due to this. Globally, the work stress levels keep rising, and to succeed, businesses need to find a way to help their employees healthily manage their stress.

The happier your employees are, the more it’ll reflect in their everyday work. This means higher retention rates, more creativity, and better outcomes. Making employee-friendly policies like flexible working hours and providing mental healthcare assistance can help employees manage their stress.

But what about the root cause of stress? Work! Managing work can help reduce stress and automation along with AI can help in reducing this burden for employees. While most people think of automation as complicated and AI as robots that will replace human jobs, they’re quite the opposite! Automation helps simplify tasks, and AI can assist humans in carrying out their tasks in a better, more organized manner!

5 Ways Automation and AI Can Help Reduce Stress

  1. Fewer chances of human error: You can quickly spot the color drain out of one’s face as they realize they’ve forgotten a task. Whether it’s a social media post that a marketer forgot to take live, or a miscalculation made by adding an entry twice in a sheet by an accountant, these are all mistakes that can be made redundant with the help of automation. Automation enables employees to schedule their work, set reminders, and auto check for errors. This means fewer risks of manual errors, which leads to lesser employee stress.
  2. Freedom to work more openly: Constantly having to report to a superior and being reminded of your deliverables can lead to stress. Employees often end up focusing more on meeting the deadline than the task at hand when they’re supervised closely or micromanaged. It also puts constraints on your employees to think freely and grow. Workflow automation can help employees and employers work more freely by clearly outlining responsibilities and streamlining communication by sending both notifications as and when needed.
  3. Increased workflow organization: Integrating all your workflows can help create single view access and streamline the workflow processes for people across teams. A structured and organized approach to data enables employees to work better and without disruption. This also makes it easier for managers to keep a check on employees without the need for constant contact and promotes a more collaborative space for employees to work. Overall using automation to organize your workflows can reduce confusion and save time, hence reducing stress.
  4. Making repetitive tasks redundant: Automating repetitive tasks like filling up reports, scheduling meetings, or sending emails that can be templatized can help free up a lot of time for your employees. This reduces the pressure they have, frees up more time to focus on more important tasks, and hence allows for better time management.
  5. Providing round the clock care with AI: Seeking professional help for mental health is often very difficult for individuals in need of it. There are multiple steps before an individual goes on to schedule an appointment with a professional on call. Therapeutic AI chatbots can help employees explore their mental health in a safe space and with discretion. AI chatbots use natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis that can analyze cognitive and behavioral insights and offer personalized responses to individuals. These chatbots converse with individuals to help them think more positively, realize if they need help, and provide a safe space to vent.

Contrary to popular belief, automation and AI aren’t going to steal your jobs; instead, they’re going to play an important role in helping individuals streamline their work and assist them in working smarter rather than harder.

Get in touch with us to know more about automation and how you can implement it in your daily work!



Team Quickwork

The #1 integration and automation platform chosen by enterprises to build workflows, publish APIs, and manage conversations.