Boost remote team onboarding via gamification 🎮 & real incentives 💯

Tips on how to leverage crypto based incentives, Part 1

Justin Ahn
4 min readFeb 17, 2021


For companies, it’s only natural to expect new hires to hit the ground running, make big impacts from the get-go. Yet on the other side of this coin, new hires should expect onboarding processes that set them up for long-term success.

Easier said than done, however; and it’s become more difficult to do with the sudden shift to remote many of us experienced. But remote or not, simply hiring and hoping for the best isn’t an ideal approach for getting results.

So to boost expectations for both sides, remote companies may consider gamifying onboarding (team integration, knowledge transfer, best practices, etc.) into digestible tasks incentivized by rewarding engagement.

Applying gamification to remote onboarding

Gamifying elements of your onboarding can help new joiners to avoid feeling lost, overwhelmed, or even bored from Day 1 — implement activities and processes designed to progressively instruct, motivate and drive engagement among team members according to your company’s mission and its culture.

Engaging onboarding processes have significant impacts for employees and in turn employers

For example, remote onboarding can be made more welcoming via interactions that are encouraged within a framework for engagement: Prepare a checklist of tasks for your newbies that can include introducing themselves in specific Slack channels; sharing news about their new jobs on social media; and DMing colleagues to get to know each other. And keep things flexible by not enforcing quotas or making such activities mandatory.

Sure, not every hire will be a fit. And all teams and cultures will have different criteria for what successful onboardings looks like. But in remote teams, where members can remain in their silos for extended periods of time without directly interacting with others if there are no protocols in place, poor integration of new joiners can lead to friction and, even worse, failure.

Adding incentives to gamification

So gamified onboarding may lead to higher yields on engagement. But any benefits gained may be short-lived, if you have no incentives or rewards in place to encourage new joiners to internalize your desired micro habits. Like with most things, the initial honeymoon phase can only last for so long.

Note-taking app Notion rewards user engagement upon onboarding by offering credit for certain tasks

According to Glassdoor, “4 in 5 employees want benefits or perks more than a pay raise” to feel motivated. Benefits or perks, however, can vary and range from open acknowledgement (kudos) to financial (cash, gift cards). Internal virtual points can enable wider distribution and participation. Plus, with the application of tools like score cards and leader boards, it’s clear gamification works better when it feels like something of value is on the line.

A big challenge though is that different people value different things. Not everyone is motivated by compliments; virtual points are arbitrary and if they carry any value, they’re likely non-transferable; gift cards tend to be hard-coded to specific vendors and tend to expire; and cash, which may be most preferable, is difficult if your remote team has members in other countries.

The case for crypto based incentives

In the case of remote teams, we at Quidli believe crypto is the perfect cherry to use as incentives, bonuses, rewards, etc. in your digital onboarding activities and processes.

Crypto, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, is 100% digital, requires no localization, flexible with no minimum buy-in, and can be transacted for faster and cheaper than you’re able to via “traditional” currencies. And compared to internal points or gift cards, which are perceived as boring, crypto is an exciting new asset class suited for a remote workforce comprised largely of young people who’re digital natives and are more open to the idea of getting rewarded in/owning cryptocurrencies.

Accordingly, remote teams can benefit from augmenting their onboarding processes with more gamified processes and activities designed to encourage more engagement from the get-go. Adding incentives can be more powerful motivators to encourage the adoption of micro habits that ultimately define your remote work culture. Then offering those incentives as crypto based rewards enables you to flexibly share real value with those who contribute real value while also passively sharing access to a wider ecosystem that is increasingly becoming the future of finance.

Interested in sharing crypto-based incentives and rewards with your team? Create your organization’s account on Quidli for free and get started.

Are you an employee or freelancer who wants to receive crypto perks from your company or client? Fill out this request form and we’ll reach out on your behalf.

Visit our site, follow us on Twitter, or contact us directly with any questions or comments you may have at



Justin Ahn

Just a guy with great legs working on improving employee engagement for remote teams ( #futureofwork