Crypto perks in the future of work

Let Quidli add the crypto cherry on top of your perks stack

Justin Ahn
4 min readMar 26, 2020


We’re excited to launch a new product at Quidli — a rewards platform designed for companies to offer their teams cryptocurrency as work perks.

Generational shifts in work expectations have driven today’s workforce to be less compelled by inbound perks like beer kegs or gyms at the office. Young employees are increasingly concerned by their financial futures and are more likely to hold/be interested in holding Bitcoin compared to older colleagues. As a result, we’ve built a Bitcoin experience focused on accessibility. Employers can simply add or buy BTC to distribute to their team members as rewards or perks. Employees can directly track and manage their BTC earnings. All without dealing with a steep blockchain learning curve.

“Traditional” company benefits no longer one-size-fits all

Whether you’re an early-stage startup with one employee or an established business with many team members, it’s definitely become harder to attract talent without offering incentives. Silicon Valley giants like Google and Facebook have set high standards for employee perks — hi-tech nap pods, catered meals on-site, and generous bonuses to name a few. But most companies (and even their employees!) will find such “traditional” options impractical, not to mention capital intensive/inefficient.

At the same time, today’s tech and knowledge economy workers, despite engaging in remote arrangements, embracing freelance/gig labor, and joining startups, want work perks more than ever. And though traditional perks may no longer be as relevant to employees or affordable to younger companies, workers are expressing more interest and satisfaction in “non-traditional” or “fringe” perks, which aren’t necessarily the most expensive, but are more flexible and can help boost retention and productivity.

Unstoppable crypto cherry on top

With a growing amount of options for benefits today, companies may still struggle to build that perfect perks stack. What we’re offering companies is a crypto cherry to put on top of whatever perks plan works best for their teams — hold, manage and share crypto, in a matter of clicks.

Millennials, who now constitute more than half the workforce, are very open to owning or wanting to own cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. In fact, compared to any other currently employed generation, they’re three times more likely to have already purchased or own some form of crypto. For digital natives, crypto represents new technological and financial opportunities that are seemingly more interesting to invest in than traditional institutional assets.

And such excitement in a new asset class, combined with the fractional flexibility in ownership make crypto a kind of perk younger employees can readily appreciate; particularly when compared to superficial offerings such as cans of LaCroix in the fridge or murals of R2D2 in conference rooms. Imagine Bitcoin, the first global cryptocurrency, being distributed as a decentralized form of skin-in-the-game for companies to offer top employees as tangible, unstoppable perks they can then transact with anywhere.

Crypto as work perks via Quidli

Sure, a crypto-based rewards platform might not seem like a huge deal at first glance. But the crypto movement continues to grow, with a total market capitalization valued at over hundreds of millions of dollars. And our aim is to provide improved accessibility for a more mainstream audience, the global workforce; in order to provide secure, reliable bridges to new exciting forms of financial inclusion that are already happening now.

For example, decentralized finance (DeFi), loosely defined as crypto-based, intermediary-less global transactions and infrastructure for savings, lending, and banking, is one major channel that can be accessed by those who hold. Without arbitrary intermediaries and unnecessarily prohibitory fees, new opportunities for wealth building and management become available on more fair and equitable terms.

But acquiring crypto, even in 2020, is paradoxically either highly technical via mining or too risky, volatile via trading and investing. There are few distribution on-ramps built for audiences who aren’t hardcore crypto-enthusiasts or serious day traders. Millennials are interested in potentially owning Bitcoin, trading it, and even earning interest on it. Most, however, are not as interested in spending time learning about blockchains, micro-transactions, and dealing with private and public keys for wallets.

That’s where Quidli comes in, with a platform of secure, hosted wallets designed specifically for companies to distribute rewards and incentivize based on what’s important in their work cultures. Like what any good perk is meant to do. By creating easier, smoother distribution, employees can manage their cryptocurrencies, which in turn gains them access to a wider ecosystem of the new decentralized internet. And we’re pretty sure that’s way cooler and more valuable than having a ping pong table in the break room.

Want to start offering team members crypto as a work perk? Simply create an account for your company on Quidli to get started.

Are you an employee that wants to receive crypto as a work perk at your company? Fill out this request form and we’ll be sure to reach out on your behalf.

You can visit our site, follow us on Twitter, and or contact us directly with any questions or comments you may have at



Justin Ahn
Editor for

Just a guy with great legs working on improving employee engagement for remote teams ( #futureofwork