Internally crowdsource talent, expertise with token bounties

Build & launch custom bounties in your digital orgs via Quidli 🏹

Justin Ahn
4 min readMay 31, 2023


In an increasingly connected world, organizations are now in near-constant need of ways to foster digital collaboration and value co-creation. Whether it’s for teams or communities, one method that has proved efficient, with good management and the right incentives, is bounties.

Offering bounties provides digital orgs with an approach to crowdsourcing solutions for challenges that can be both engaging and rewarding for members to actively participate in and add value to beyond their “traditional” roles may involve. As we introduce more programmatic elements to customize your token incentive workflows on Quidli, we want to share in this post new features and to explore how bounties can enhance collaboration and drive engagement within your teams and communities.

Clear goals & objectives

The major feature we’ve introduced is the ability to create your own bounties with clear goals and objectives. This ensures that users can better shape and direct objectives they want to achieve while group members get well-defined problem statements or challenges to address.

Use Quidli to build custom bounties around practices, behaviors, activities, etc. that are key to your org

By providing a clear focus, bounties empower individuals to direct their efforts towards specific areas of interest. This not only saves time and resources but also encourages participants to think critically and strategically, resulting in innovative solutions that align with organizational objectives.

And the concept of offering rewards with real is well demonstrated to be effective motivation. By introducing a competitive element, bounties encourage members to push boundaries and think outside the box — when an incentive with actual value, not just ambiguous virtual points or XP, is on the line, participants are more likely to invest time, energy, and expertise to devise clever solutions.

Optimizing for those behind the scenes

As any community manager (CM) worth their salt will tell you, a big part of organically building engagement is being able to motivate and drive participation the moment an opportunity arises. And this is challenging for CMs who have to monitor Discord/Slack activity, regularly interact with community members, and to toggle across multiple tools just to use one feature from each. Which is why Quidli builds token rails and workflows natively into the apps everyone already uses.

Build, launch and share your custom token bounties all natively in your Discord/Slack

By enabling CMs to create and launch bounties, organizations can tap into the vast pool of talent and creativity that are their digital communities. Quidli’s integration-first approach not only provides CMs with increased convenience but it also helps them to focus on their objectives and not on having to learn new tools and to juggle multiple apps for that add little-to-no value. Furthermore, for orgs that enable bounty creation for all members, not just CMs, there is the added benefit of fostering even greater internal engaging and inclusive participation.

People are highly motivated by rewards. So organizational bounties via Quidli is a tool for CMs to more efficiently bring together members together to take on challenges and create value in more fun and accessible ways that are built to be more Sybil resistant than other open task and kanban boards available today.

Automated workflows for Twitter

In our mission to better tailor Quidli to address specific major pain points of our diverse base of user organizations (companies, open projects, and online communities), we’ve launched our next major Web 2.0 integration, Twitter. When we saw that a significant proportion of the token incentives being distributed are by CMs rewarding community-led marketing contributions on the bird app, we knew this integration was a no-brainer.

Accordingly, you can now link your Twitter account to Quidli to then automate bounties to be shared for Follows, Likes and Retweets on Twitter. The best part is both bounty creators and participants can manage the entire flow natively in their communities’ Discords and Slacks so again they won’t have to toggle back and forth between platforms to contribute.

Automate tokens incentivizes for Twitter followers via our new Twitter workflows natively in Discord & Slack

There are more Twitter-based workflows currently being built and we’ll be sure to share them as soon as they get pushed into production. If you also have any specific flows in mind, don’t hesitate to ping us with suggestions.


Our take is that incorporating bounties into engagement strategies of digital organizations can yield significant benefits. And by leveraging rewards composed on top of token rails, your teams and communities can better harness the power of collaboration, creativity, and inclusivity.

Bounties provide a platform for individuals and teams to tackle challenges head-on, offering rewards that motivate and drive innovative solutions. And as organizations continue to adapt to the evolving digital landscape, bounties serve as a valuable tool to unlock the full potential of their workforce and foster a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Want to embed crypto rewards into your organization’s social & collaborative workflows? Create your Quidli account and get started now!

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Justin Ahn
Editor for

Just a guy with great legs working on improving employee engagement for remote teams ( #futureofwork