Share POAPs to mark your team’s big moments directly in-app

Create, drop and mint NFTs in your Discord, Slack and more 📛

Esther Bankyu
3 min readFeb 5, 2024


Users have been asking us for a while for less speculative options to incentivize and reward the top contributors on their teams and in their online communities.

We’re now delivering: You can create, drop and mint POAPs (an NFT standard also known as Proof of Attendace Protocol) directly in your Discord and Slack using Quidli to help celebrate the major events and milestones in your organizations.

Celebrate anything & everything with NFTs

POAPs can be used by to unlock contributor recognition opportunities directly in the spaces where you collaborate. While we believe financial incentives are effective for value alignment, certain occasions, like product milestones, recognition of performances, collective celebrations, general superlatives, etc., call for more commemoration in the form of a precious digital collectibles.

The new NFT workflow is available on the web app or via the /NFT create slash command on Discord and Slack — add your original image (PNGs or GIFs), give your POAP a name, provide a brief description of the occasion and then pay using select tokens to launch the NFT, which you can then share via mint links.

Acknowledge milestones such as new feature launches with commemorative NFTs

Examples of what POAPs can be used for

Motivate those driven by status

The allure of owning a unique digital asset can be a powerful incentive. By introducing POAPs in your organization that recipients can mint and truly own, you can significantly boost engagement levels of your contributors who are motivated by tangible recognition.

Identify and reward the individuals who’re inclined to work harder knowing their efforts, performances and results, can be enshrined as proof of work or CVs they can then permanently keep and reference (à la soulbound tokens or SBTs).

Build organizational culture based on shared history

Acknowledging milestones and special occasions at the group level is also important to establish all members as participants, regardless of individual achievement — a culture can’t succeed if no one feels they’re a part of it.

The GIF we’re using at Quidli to celebrate the launch of this new NFT badge feature

Using NFTs, you can commemorate anniversaries, product launches, achievements of major team objectives and even inside jokes to help create the positive feedback loops necessary to then motivate individuals towards greater engagement and more contributions.

Continuing to experiment with embeddable web3

Our mission at Quidli is to enable more seamless web3 experiences natively in the apps we all already know and enjoy using. Accordingly, embedding NFT creation and distribution in apps like Discord, Slack and soon Telegram is an exciting new step for us as we start to expand outside of just fungible tokens while also moving more of our core operations onchain.

For more details on how you can start creating and sharing POAPs on Quidli, check out our application docs on GitBook. Additionally, please review the POAP Curation Body’s guidelines to ensure a more seamless NFT creation experience. And if there are other tokens or workflows you’d like to deploy via Quidli, feel free to contact us with your suggestions.

Want to embed crypto into your organization’s collaboration & coordination workflows? Create your Quidli account and get started.

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