Welcome to the Future of Startups

Equity for Labor, Equity for Everyone

2 min readMar 30, 2018


Quidli was born from a thought that many of the “brilliant” startup ideas all of us have everyday fail to materialize beyond ideas due to our own doubts; in particular, doubts of not having enough talent or of not having enough money to grow tend to kill inspiration and motivation quickly. But if there’s enough passion and conviction in an entrepreneur, could a little extra liquidity in the beginning be a driver to attract the talent necessary for a successful launch?

At Quidli we think ‘yes,’ because we’re certain everyone has a little bit of an entrepreneur inside them.

Equity as Compensation

Whether you’re itching to build your own company, or you’re so convinced by an idea that you have to contribute, we all can potentially benefit from taking more risks. Quidli is a platform where everyone, from founders to freelancers, is aligned via equity to take risks in companies they believe in. Similar to systems like the one at Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Quidli enables workers, regardless of level or function, to be shareholders in exchange for labor; this way companies onboard only highly motivated people who’re incentivized to work hard for the potential to earn great rewards later.

Building the Quidli network one squid at a time

Equity for Labor

All of us on the team have worked on startups, and our collective experiences inform us that early growth is driven more by an entrepreneur’s conviction than by how much cash they have. I myself kickstarted Skylights, VR for inflight entertainment, with no money and no workforce. But with an equity-for-labor scheme, we motivated employees to accelerate growth enough for $2M in financing within 3 years. Skylights glasses are now offered by major airlines while the team has had low turnover.

Equity for Everyone

We’re building Quidli today because we’re our own users — we’re passionate about entrepreneurship and we want to empower everyone through equity to pursue the work they’re most passionate about as well. After all, that extra bit of motivation from being a shareholder can be the difference between a product’s early success or failure.

So let’s rework work together. Follow us to learn more about equity-for-labor and to stay updated on Quidli’s progress.




Passionate about entrepreneurship — co-founder of Skylights (YC S16)— co-founder @ Quidli (https://quid.li)