Work freelance, collect crypto 🌎🌍🌏

Freelancers merit (crypto-based) recognition too

Justin Ahn
4 min readJul 26, 2021


When we released Quidli last year as a rewards app designed for teams to internally offer crypto as perks and recognition at work, we did so to an early user base of remote companies and communities. But we were soon pleasantly surprised to learn that freelancers from around the world are a workforce segment significantly interested in finding ways to earn crypto.

Whether as incentives, tips, rewards, bonuses, and or compensation, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and stablecoins are increasingly a popular choice among freelancers and contractors, particularly those younger, online, and open to embracing emerging new token economies. And today, crypto, while still being in early days, is being more and more perceived as a digital asset that provides (or stores) value you can access no matter who or where you are — after all, what good is value if you’re unable to access it?

Reward freelancers

Specifically for freelancers and contractors, pay and compensation is complicated due to the temporary natures of their positions. But given the flexibility freelancing provides, these delicate scenarios are becoming more commonplace despite challenges of additional expenses, speed, and or trust. Accordingly, organizations can choose to leverage crypto today in an efficient and lightweight way to reward value created by your freelance contributors with real value, not simply digital “kudos” that ultimately mean nothing.

Share crypto with your freelancers as incentives for milestones achieved and or as occasional tips for motivation and drivers of productivity. It’s unreasonable to expect contributors to develop an association for the kinds of behaviors, practices and efforts your organizations and work cultures value if you don’t set the stage for such alignment and purpose. And the fact that this value is real, transferable, and portable is a cherry on the top for recipients.

Freelancers shouldn’t be viewed as points of friction or administrative burdens for your organizations, nor should they be treated as such. So remind them that they/their efforts are appreciated with “tokens” of appreciation, as resources for supplies they may be incurring costs for upfront, or tips to grab a coffee in crypto — fast, efficient, exciting, and no-localization required.

Pay freelancers

And as sharing crypto as rewards with freelancers is a good way to gain exposure to the advantages of cryptocurrencies, for both organizations and workers, some groups may determine that full compensation in crypto is more preferable, whatever the reason(s) for that may be. Such shifts aren’t surprising given the efficiency and excitement of crypto, as well as generational shifts in work expectations by today’s workforce.

Work and collaboration are increasingly online, decentralized and frequently more informal than has been expected in the recent past by the modern workforce. Accordingly, it should come as no surprise that expectations on compensation are also shifting towards new and non-traditional means. With remote work currently taking off and the need for talent driving organizations to lean more into greater distributed hiring arrangements, it’s certainly not advantageous for both teams and members to have to rely solely on existing fintech and legacy payment rails and solutions when other interesting options, for both organizations and workers, are available.

Crypto and crypto networks are gradually being accepted in the mainstream today; and soon we’ll see more elements of crypto, tokens, DeFi and more enter into our lives. And those who choose to leverage and gain exposure to this emerging technology and its assets sooner rather than later, whether as compensation or as investments, will have a head start in the new digital era and in the future of work.

Interested in adding crypto incentives and rewards to your workflows and or business processes? Create your account on Quidli or install directly to your Slack workspace(s) to get started!

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Justin Ahn
Editor for

Just a guy with great legs working on improving employee engagement for remote teams ( #futureofwork