ß 0.10 — CSV Export

Quids for Mac
1 min readJun 30, 2016


Quids ß 0.10.0 has just been released with support for exporting your transactions to CSV!

A big thank you to everyone who has been trying out Quids. We’ve received lots of great feedback since our first release!

The main new feature in 0.10.0 is the ability to export your data as a CSV file. It has been a heavily requested feature over on the Mondo Community Forum.

In Quids it’s simple! Just head over to File > Export > CSV… and then you have all your transaction data 🎉

Our aim with Quids is to build the features in their simplest form and then evolve them as we receive feedback. We have a few ideas about where we see this feature going and you can see them over on our public Pivotal Tracker board.

The Mondo iOS app now supports data export, so we have made sure that the first 11 columns are the same as Mondo. We have also added an additional 2 extra columns for Latitude and Longitude, just incase putting things on maps is your kinda thing 🗺

