Kevin Kelly on why current AI should be thought of as an alien intelligence

Joseph Quigley
Published in
1 min readMar 28, 2023

In an interview with Russ Roberts on EconTalk author and futurist, Kevin Kelly, convincingly suggests that we should treat AIs like Midjourney and ChatGPT as alien intelligences (in a non-spooky way):

I’ve been using the AI image generators for a year now, every day making AI art and they have different personalities…

But in every case, they’re alien — the way that they do things because they’re running on a different substrate than, than what we run on.

Their creativity is legitimate. It’s really creative, but it’s off, it’s different than us. It’s different, it’s alien. They have a slightly different alien way of doing it. And that is, it’s true benefit.

That’s the main reason why they’re valuable is because they’re not doing it like humans. When they start to do proofs, they’re not gonna do it like a human does it.

If they have/when they have consciousness, it’ll be slightly different. It will be akimbo from us because it’s running on a whole different thing. It’s different latencies in all different ways in which is gonna be different. And that is its benefit.

Listen to the full interview on:
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts

This post was originally published at

