How To Set Up QuikNode with MyEtherWallet
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2017

In this article we outline the steps needed to connect your QuikNode to MyEtherWallet.

Updated 12/25/2019: Updated Tutorial Here

Step 2: Expand the instructions for MyEtherWallet at the bottom of your QuikNode user interface:

Step 3: Following the instructions, go to and find the Node Switcher (top right)… click “Add Custom Node”:

Add Custom Node

Step 4: Fill out the fields using the info from your node user interface:

Fill Out Your Node Info

Step 4.5 (optional): Leave the chain as ETH, unless you’re an advanced user and have launched your QuikNode with an alternate chain.

Change Only If You Know What You’re Doing

Step 5: Click “Save & Use Custom Node” — if you entered everything in correctly, you will receive a successful connection notice:

That’s it, you’re finished! Proceed to use MyEtherWallet regularly — but now with your own, personal Ethereum node!

Stuck or have questions? Tweet us @QuikNode!



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