Introducing QuickNode: The #1 Web3 Infrastructure Platform 🚀

Access 25+ chains, tools and APIs to help you build the highest-quality Web3 applications!
7 min readDec 9, 2019


Started in 2017

QuickNode first launched supporting only Ethereum (ETH), running on OpenEthereum (fka Parity) client, in a single dedicated node instance, on a single cloud provider.

Today QuickNode API supports 25+ chains across 35+ networks, utilizing multiple clients, across 10+ regions worldwide, 5+ cloud & bare-metal providers, with multiple middle layers to enhance performance, reliability and overall user experience.

The result is the most powerful Web3 infrastructure in the world: a highly-available, multi-cloud, geo-balanced, redundant node network.

The Magic Behind QuickNode API

QuickNode gives Web3 developers instant access to Enterprise-grade infrastructure — the same used by Coinbase, Adobe, Twitter, Dune, Chainlink, 1inch, and many more!

We’ve spent the last 5 years learning, building, iterating, working with thousands of projects, applications and developers to create the QuickNode platform.

Accessing Ethereum, Solana, Bitcoin, Gnosis (xDai), Polygon (Matic) + zkEVM, Fantom, Celo, Optimism, Arbitrum (incl. Nova), Binance Chain (BSC/BNB), Avalanche (AVAX), TRON, Algorand, Harmony, NEAR, Base, Flow, Aptos (APT), Polkadot (DOT), XRP Ledger, Stellar (XLM), Scroll, zkSync Era, Immutable zkEVM (IMX), and Stacks (STX) blockchains — across their Mainnet, Testnet, and Devnet networks — has never been easier.

Behind every QuickNode API endpoint sits a global network of nodes — globally-distributed across 10+ regions, geo-balanced, multi-cloud, highly-available & auto-scaling — at your service, on-demand.

Every request sent to your QuickNode API endpoint is intelligently routed to the nearest node cluster based on IP, ensuring lowest latency.

Read more on the architecture and why businesses choose QuickNode for Web3 infrastructure.

Highly reliable, our node network is distributed across 5+ unique cloud & bare-metal providers, in US East, West; UK; Europe; India; Singapore, Tokyo and Australia — with automatic failover.

Our internal monitoring systems make sure all nodes in the network serving requests are healthy, and kick out & replace nodes which are misbehaving.

We also monitor for performance, things like average latency, response time, and http response codes, to ensure every request is served quickly and reliably.

Read more on performance benchmarks among Web3 providers.

Based on network performance metrics, we automatically provision additional capacity when certain thresholds are reached, to maintain consistent performance and mitigate “noisy neighbor” effect — the network scales to meet virtually any volume, on-demand.

Need the power of 10 nodes to handle your spike in traffic? You got it! Back down to 3 nodes tomorrow? No problem!

All the core network features are baked-in to the cost of usage (take a look at pricing here) — you only pay for what you use!

QuickNode API makes the Web3 infrastructure layer transparent for you.

Simply send the traffic, and we scale to meet your needs — every request is guaranteed to be fast and served from a healthy node nearby.

All you have to do is focus on building the best version of your application, and leave the infrastructure heavy lifting to us!



We do several things under the hood to make QuickNode fast and reliable:

Request Routing

When you send a request to your QuickNode API endpoint, it is first routed to the nearest location based on IP.

Then, another engine takes care of routing per call type. Different node clients, configurations, and layers handle different calls.

For example, eth_call is handled differently than a debug_traceCall or a simple eth_blockNumber.

We actively benchmark clients (like Geth, Erigon, OpenEthereum, etc…) for reliability & performance, and utilize each for their benefits.

Our request routing engine not only routes for speed based on geo-location, but also by call type!

Caching & Indexing

Many requests on our network are duplicated, identical. There are certain responses which can be cached and served from memory, reducing response times by 100x (source)!

We also keep an index of certain responses, ones which are constant or in finality.

The first time a response is issued, the node does the necessary compute and returns a response. This response is indexed and stored in a high-performance database.

Each consecutive time this same data is requested, it is served from an index, skipping the compute part and allowing for an order of magnitude faster performance & response time.


Unlike a single Dedicated node, QuickNode API automatically splits your request across multiple nodes in parallel. This yields significantly faster response times vs. one single node handling all the requests.

But what about data consistency?

We have logic and additional layers to address that, ensuring the data you receive is accurate and consistent!


Our team comes from over 2 decades of experience in building global networks and distributed systems. We have war stories of underwater fiber cuts, force majeure events, and hosting providers going dark (happened with AWS, Azure, GCP) .

This is why we built QuickNode with a multi-region and multi-provider mindset; not bound by any one provider or geographic region.

If we detect an issue, we can reroute the traffic to a different provider or region, on-the-fly, with minimal impact (in most cases, it’s completely transparent).



Get access to cross-client APIs like debug and trace, as well as historical data back to the genesis block — using the same endpoint!

Graph API

Fetch powerful market insights, trading data, transactions by wallets and contracts, cached NFT images, and more using GraphQL. Learn more.


An entire universe of infrastructure at your fingertips! Select from dozens of add-ons — like Subgraph Hosting by Satsuma, Blockbook API, Flashbots Protect, or Gas API from Blocknative — that make building super-powered dApps easier than ever. Learn more.


QuickAlerts is a powerful mutli-tool that delivers real-time notifications for on-chain events. Create a custom feed of blockchain data and stay informed with real-time alerts. Learn more.


Build your dream NFT project faster, with the new NFT API from QuickNode. Our NFT API lets you find any NFT, verify ownership, and pull transaction history and key collection information, without sorting through individual smart contracts.

Token API

Access ERC20 data instantly! No need to query multiple ERC20 contracts for token data. With QuickNode Token API, get ERC20 data with a single method call! Learn more.


Use QuickNode to upload, store, manage, and retrieve data on the IPFS network through our pinning services and dedicated gateways. Learn more.

Developer SDK

The QuickNode SDK is designed to facilitate interaction with QuickNode infrastructure. Developers can effortlessly leverage the Graph API to access a wide range of valuable data and insights, including market insights, trading data, wallet and contract transactions, cached NFT images, and much more. Learn more.

Advanced Mempool Service

QuickNode API utilizes a custom mempool service which was developed in-house, and takes advantage of the mempool data from all the nodes we run, all over the world. Instead of fetching from a single node in 1 location, we aggregate our entire network’s mempool data and serve it to you as soon as any one of our nodes spots a transaction.


The security of your data and integrity of our systems is important to us. QuickNode is SOC2 certified, with support for popular Enterprise requirements.

Customer Service

Included with your paid QuickNode subscription is access to our team of Web3, platform, and billing experts. Get help from the community in our Discord, open a ticket for email support, or get VIP live chat via Slack and Telegram. We’ll make sure you are happy!

What about pricing?

The pricing model for QuickNode API is usage-based, pay-as-you-go (on-demand) pricing, with the best value of any Web3 provider!

With QuickNode API, you are guaranteed the best performance: every call will be fast, since the platform utilizes the entire global node network and auto-scales to meet demand.

See our Pricing page for full details!

Just starting out?

We have a knowledge-base of over 100 high-quality guides & tutorials to help you get started — from DeFi bots and NFT minting, to Vyper and Solidity — we have you covered.

Visit our Guides page, YouTube channel, or check out the API docs — come build with us!

So, what are you waiting for?

Get started for free with QuickNode today on!

Want to learn more about QuickNode?

Check out our Blog page!

Have feedback, questions, a feature suggestion, or just want to help build the future of web3 infrastructure?

Contact us here, on Twitter @QuickNode, or ping us on DISCORD!


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Fast, reliable Web3 infrastructure. Instantly access 27+ chains on a global network, tools and APIs to help you build high-quality blockchain applications.