QuikNode Publication Launch

Accepting entries for web3 tutorials and creative writing

1 min readJan 8, 2019


Going into 2019, we’re applying a focus on Education. We believe the next wave of blockchain enthusiasm, development, and adoption will be through education, and feel it’s the responsibility of those involved now, at the early stages of the tech, to facilitate it.

Our goal is to create a publication that doubles as an education portal — with tips, tools, and best-practices from knowledgeable authorities in the space, to help newcomers and anyone looking to obtain better insights into or get involved with web3.

If you’d like to get involved, our publication is accepting entries for

a) Technical writing: how-to guides, tutorials, something you can use/plug QuikNode into (but not a requirement)…

b) Creative writing: interesting views/outlooks and critical information about the web3 ecosystem…

Ready to contribute? Hop in our Slack and let’s brainstorm topics together!

Get Rewarded a 1-Month QuikNode Voucher for Contributing!

Ready to check it out? Head over to the QuikNode Medium Publication now!

QuikNode.io 2019




Fast, reliable Web3 infrastructure. Instantly access 27+ chains on a global network, tools and APIs to help you build high-quality blockchain applications.