A Letter To The Editor…

~ Sarah D ~
Quill and Ink
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2024


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

It really is something I always wanted to bring to your attention. The fact that, there are so many writers who have supposedly unoriginal ideas. One of them is me, and I admit, that English is not supposedly the language of the country I hail from.

If there’s anything I’d like to admit it is this- I have siblings who are doing much better in this world than I am. The thing about them is they are too cold-hearted to be authentic the way I am, and perhaps that’s why they aren’t as gifted at storytelling.

But can you cut me some slack? I am smart…I can write, and someone can get what I am saying. It’s a weird world, and some people are likely to think that a dog-eat-dog philosophy makes people tick, but some folks are happy!

People who have probably woken up in the morning and written something nice that someone else loved to read. I too have those talents, and I think I too can be consistent about my writing habits.

I have 500 followers on my Medium blog. It is something I worked very hard to create. It is a beautiful blog crafted with much love. I know that some magical people love reading my work, so I will continue to write just for them.

Since I started doing the morning pages exercise, I have realised that writing is wonderful! I did not know how much one’s writing can improve if only one puts mind to matter, and writes daily!

I also started to write stories with a moral on my blog that I love so much. I hope people read this and agree with me. This letter to the Editor is a part of the morning pages exercise as prescribed by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way. I have already completed week 1 of the wonderful book, and look forward to discovering more of my true inner creative self.

Much Love,

Sarah D



~ Sarah D ~
Quill and Ink

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