A Relatable Short Story

~ Sarah D ~
Quill and Ink
Published in
5 min readFeb 17, 2024


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

I wasn’t sure if writing short stories for a publication was my thing, but I decided to give it a go. I was also hoping that the story I ended up with, after trying to write a good one, would not be edited too much. An imperfect, but relatable short story is often the stuff people like to read I felt! I gave my best shot at writing a relatable short story for Quill and Ink.

Sally Winsconsin happened to be sitting down in her bedroom all by herself. She had recently taken to working from home because she felt it gave her all the time she needed to concentrate on everything that mattered to her. Everything that mattered! Like Writing. She loved writing, and she found it was an extension of her soul.

Ever since she took to working from home, something she had been so habitual to doing ever since the pandemic, she found that she had time. Time for the things that mattered, like working out, maintaining her apartment, taking care of her cat, content writing, and one too many coffee dates with a close friend. Those coffee dates were almost therapeutic by the way, and she wouldn’t be the same without them!

She happened to be sitting all alone that day, thinking deeply. Feeling a deep sense of nostalgia, while penning down all of her thoughts in her journal. Sally was a writer who loved to do a bit of morning writing. She had read about the apparent benefits of morning writing in a wonderful book known as ‘The Artists Way’ by Julia Cameron.

Sally felt that she wrote better as long as she did this, and her morning writing habit lent its magic to other areas of her life as well. She felt she not only thought more clearly, she also developed some strange gift of foresight, and she saw patterns in her thoughts. She also felt she was becoming a gifted storyteller writing her morning pages as though she wanted to publish them every single time.

Sally Winsconsin was already done for the day with her email marketing assistant job, which was indeed very time-consuming. She worked very hard at it, for a large part of the day, knowing fully well that it helped pay the bills. She welcomed the feeling of nostalgia, writing all the more intensely, hoping that the morning pages would end positively.

She was aware that morning pages usually consisted of three whole pages of handwritten text, so one had to have something meaningful to write. Other than just filling three whole pages with ‘I don’t know what to write’ repeatedly. The morning pages writing often took a couple of hours to finish, since Sally was somehow wired for perfection even when no one was watching.

Sally was a little lost while brooding over what to fill her morning pages with. She fell asleep at her desk, in front of her steaming cup of hot chocolate, and notebook. She did not realize that she had fallen into a deep sleep and was dreaming.

Sally opened her eyes and noticed a handsome long-haired man with cute freckles and baby-blue eyes sitting on her bed. He said something very strange that she will never forget. “I know you have plans,” he said with a smile, that accentuated his dimples. “But I too have plans to give you hope and a future. Plans to prosper you. I know you like to write, and I also know that you left your prospects of a full-time job to work remotely just because. Know that you are on the right path and that you have chosen well.”

Sally was so astonished by the words he spoke. It was a strange world and good people were so hard to find. She happened to have a roommate that she barely talked to because they were not compatible. But here she was talking to someone who seemed to know what he was talking about. And was relatable as well.

Sally woke up from her dream with a cold sweat. She had a feeling that she knew who she saw in her dream since she had read the Bible. Sometimes she felt the Bible’s endearing words contained more common sense than any other book she ever read before. And she felt this dream was a godsend and the person she saw in her dream was the shepherd of souls.

Sally decided to finish the morning pages a little early that day. She started to work on the draft of a book she was working on. Her first book. She was writing the story of her life.

A divine story, about the many twists and turns she had taken in her life. The central character was going to be jazzy no doubt, to attract a reader’s eye. She wanted to include the dream she had that day to add sentimental value and richness to the quality of the story.

The book would be titled ‘A relatable short story’ and of course, it would be a kind of love story. A story of romanticizing life. So that ‘Relatable Short Story’ though short, was relatable, even though it did not have many of the twists and trysts other people with more adventurous lives had. It was short, sweet, and relatable. And it was a pretty good read too.



~ Sarah D ~
Quill and Ink

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