‘His Lingering Perfume! got another review!’

~ Sarah D ~
Quill and Ink
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2024


Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

I got in touch with a book blogger called Arun Tankasali. I was wondering about how he would react/what she would say about my first-ever published book. She loved the book and wrote a wonderful review for the same. I thought I would include a few lines from his review so that more people can know about this great book, and possibly have a copy on their bookshelves.

I wrote ‘His Lingering Perfume’ on a whim nearly two years ago, and the book seems to be doing remarkably well. I did not put nearly as much time or effort as required into the book, but being my first attempt at self-publishing a novel, I wanted to take things slow. I wanted to learn from the success of my first book. I wanted to use this knowledge with every other book I ever publish in future, and there is one coming out soon!

I remember what it was like sitting late at night typing and typing away. I had written a similar book on Wattpad, the first English language writing platform I ever used.

Coming from a country where English is a foreign language, I was careful when writing the book. I made sure I used relatable language and above all a cute-but-relatable heroine. Some people think the heroine of ‘His Lingering Perfume’ who we find out later is also called ‘Jenna’, is impossible to ignore.

According to Arun Tankasali, the book blogger I mentioned, the heroine of the book is impossible to avoid falling in love with, which I find interesting. I had actually made the protagonist of the book a tomboy who loves jogging until she decides to start grooming herself and looking and acting differently.

The book has some rather intense moments which make it a seemingly classic romance novel. Some of these include scenes in the book where the book’s heroine is lost in reading her diary when the book’s hero suddenly arrives in the scene.

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Another is the part where the friend who loves talking on the phone is literally begging her to share about what transpired between Jenna and her love interest, but Jenna shies away from doing so.

The book is interesting because it has an ‘its-complicated’ feel, in which the book’s main characters get into a warm-hearted romance, but they never go past that. Arun mentions in his review on Amazon, that the book is ‘a short, cheesy, and light-hearted romance with a realistic representation of everything that a reader may want and expect from this kind of story..’

Well, if you usually like movies for pure entertainment and light-hearted fun, you might actually like this book as well! They say some people would rather watch the movie version of the story, but sadly it isn’t out yet! For those of you who don’t love reading, this book is a challenge to read ofcourse, but one filled with purpose.

video made by Author with Canva

A link to the kindle version of the book, should you like to check it out https://amzn.in/d/4lfs3Hr

The book is a well-written contemporary romance and the story woven around the antics of the main character Jenna who is a shy but rich young woman who is trying to be herself and make authentic choices. According to Arun the book has “a relatable heroine whom It is impossible to avoid and not to fall in love with”

Apart from that, the book is funny. Arun mentions how “Different kinds of humour and hilarious events encircle the story” and the dose of humour makes the book light-hearted and refreshing. Want something interesting to add to your collection of books? This one is truly unforgettable.



~ Sarah D ~
Quill and Ink

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