Are you updating your cache?

Deeeksha Thakur
Quill and Ink
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2024
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

“How much do you walk daily?”, she said. “I used to walk for around 4 mins daily but from sometime I haven’t been able to do that because of my busy schedule.” I said.

“And from how long your schedule has been busy?” she said.

This simple question carried me on a train of thoughts which made me realize that it’s been way too long than I would like to accept it. In my mind, I was a person that was regularly walking for at least 45 mins daily at a fast pace and lately because of being little bit busy, was unable to do so but still I considered myself a physically active person. Her question on the timeline made me realize that I no longer have the right to call myself a physically active person as I haven't been sparing 15 min for a walk or even few push-ups or squats. Which begs the question that how often I was doing this?

By “this” I mean, being falsely attached to an identity that doesn’t coincides with your present self.

1. You might be have been a physically active person but no longer are. OR

2. You might have been a health enthusiast but no longer are. OR

3. You might have been very social but haven’t been in a social gathering from a very long time.

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

And this works both ways.

  1. You might have been a people pleasing person in the past but might have learnt the art of self approval yet considering yourself a people pleaser even now. OR

2. You might have been an under confident person in the past but now even after making a lot of people intimidated by your confidence, you might still be considering yourself as a meek under dog.

Photo by Danijel Škabić on Unsplash

The point being, just like you regularly update apps in your mobile, in the same way you have to update the version of your identity in your mind, Specially when you are on a conscious journey of making yourself better or have been through a stressful period because the version would then be changing much faster than you would anticipate.

Just like we prefer updated software in our computers, we must have updated versions of our identity in our conscious mind, so that we can take best decisions for ourselves.

Having this information is also necessary to acknowledge current bugs in our identity and letting go of the one which no longer exist. If we don’t stay updated we might be wasting energy in dealing with things that are no longer an issue. This often ends up in over-training of mind in one aspect, to an extent that it doesn’t remain healthy. We all know excess of everything is bad.

Photo by Rivage on Unsplash

You might have been betrayed in past and as a result would have turned into a suspicious person. This is done by our mind as a protective mechanism to save us from any similar future harm. This is how we have evolved to stay away from danger.

But it would be of no use if it turns you into a person who is incapable of trusting anyone. This feature of “adaptation” would then get transformed into a bug.

If you consciously monitor the re-calibration of your scale of “trust”, the right point would be to stop somewhere near “skepticism” where you question things with an open mind.

Photo by Eran Menashri on Unsplash

Remember, life doesn’t gives us “black” and “white” options, rather its is spectrum of “grey”. Key here is to strike the “balance” which is right for you!

This might be you reminder of updating your “cache”, not just with respect to you but for others as well!

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Thanks for your time and attention!

Keep evolving :)

