Avoid These 3 Writing Mistakes If You’re a Beginner

I promise that no one will tell you this

Manish Dangi
Quill and Ink
3 min readJan 23, 2024


I found massive growth in my readership after knowing these 3 mistakes..

Alright, captivating readers with my writing is something I’ve always aspired to do.

As a writer, I believe it’s crucial to find that delicate balance between visuals, sentence structure, and how I present my ideas.

It’s an art that requires some thoughtful techniques if I want to reel my readers in and leave them wanting more.

So how do I pull this off effectively?

Well, let me walk you through my secrets.

#1 The Power of Images

Visuals are so important for catching eyes on the page.

Using quality images that match the theme can go a long way. But ah, I’ve made the mistake of going overboard before.

Too many photos or graphs, and I risk losing people in the words, you know?

Vertical pictures that need lots of scrolling don’t help either.

Like, I get it, that chart is integral to my point, but let’s keep things clean.

My focus now is on striking that balance between enticing visuals and uncompromised readability.

I aim for concise writing that grabs you on its own, with images there to seal the deal.

When done right, I find readers tend to stick around longer, engaging more with both visual and written content.

#2 Crafting Captivating Sentences

The way I see it, too much repetition risks boring folks.

So I make sure to keep things lively by varying length and word choice.

YES…many newbies ignore this…

Like, I’ll use some short, punchy phrases when I want something to land with impact. Other times, a lengthy, descriptive sentence does the trick for pulling people in.

And um, I never rely on the same generic words to convey my messages. By getting creative with vocabulary, I give every sentence a fresh, compelling flavor.

This sort of strategic variety keeps things energetic and unpredictable. Readers end up glued to every line, waiting to see what I’ll throw at them next!

#3 The Draw of Presentation

For me, getting the right presentation transforms my writing from boring to super engaging.

I put just as much time into the look of my articles as I do the actual words.

Because, let’s be honest —

when I nail both the appearance and content, way more people read my stuff and stick with it to the end.

I carefully select formatting, fonts, and visual element that stand out but don’t distract.

A couple well-chosen images can complement themes without taking over the text.

And those compelling sentences I write really shine when the presentation brings it all together.

It’s all about balance, and harmony between images and language.

When I get that mix right, readers eagerly dive in and stay tuned in to my message start to finish.

In Closing..

So here’s a quick look at how I engage readers.

I’m always striking a balance between visuals, sentence flow, looks, and artful words.

When I follow my method, readers end up loving what I make and craving more.

If you found this helpful 50 claps on this will be fuel for my next writing.

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