I’m Done with Medium, Cancelling My Membership

I will not pay $5 from now

Manish Dangi
Quill and Ink


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

I don’t know why, but I think Medium is not doing what he promised, so from now I will not pay $5 for Medium membership.

I think that is not worth it for writers who are not making anything from Medium. I know that writers can’t write for money, but a small amount of money can motivate us.

Hmm…also my stories will be free and anyone from the internet can read them if someone has not a Medium membership.

I think that will be good for now, and I want to focus on my blogs too.

Medium keeps promising to launch their partnership program and still there is no update.

Is Medium just lying, or do they have another issue? But there is a solution to every problem. It’s still taking too long.


So you tell me, why do I write regularly on Medium if I can’t earn a single cent? I put effort into writing stories that people seem to enjoy reading based on the claps and responses. But with no way to monetize my work, I question whether it’s worth the time.

