Increase Your Read Time With This Simple Technique

Lalit T.
Quill and Ink
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2024
Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Medium for over two months now, I’ve been writing online for a full year, and I’ve even written a few short pieces here and there since 2021. When writing on Medium something that is crucial to earning money, and I suppose having a successful article is having a good number of reads compared to views and a solid read ratio.

Author’s Image

There is one technique that when used can make your articles magnetic for your readers’ eyes. I will say though, don’t use this technique in every article as it can feel a bit ‘full on’ and end up turning people away. Using it every few articles is absolutely fine though.

So, what is this technique?

Throw Em’ Into The Thick Of It

Often when people start an article they bore their reader senseless from the word go. Remember, if someone clicks your title they want to read the topic you are writing about, you don’t need to explain it or convince them further. You need to start making the beginning of your post exciting.

You can do this by throwing your reader right into the juicy bit. The best part, the drama, the action, the emotion. Throw them right into the interesting part and then once they are truly hooked, give them context.

I have an example, and funnily enough, it’s the first thing I ever wrote. I had no idea this was a writing technique at the time, it just made sense to start somewhere that was interesting to keep the reader’s attention.

Using this strategy makes your reader absorb the most interesting part of your writing right from the off, pumping up that read ratio. Not only that but once you have their attention you can then give them context or additional information that can round off their enjoyable reading experience.

Allow me to give you an example, my obnoxious chump:

Title: How I built my freelance brand from nothing

First line: I could barely breathe, it felt like the room was spinning and I’d just been hit by a flashbang. The words of the man sitting across from me had just flipped my world upside down. Fired. Ten years of loyalty for nothing. What was I going to tell my wife, God, how was I going to feed my kids? The possibilities of everything that could go wrong started flashing before me like I was about to meet the man himself at the pearly gates of heaven.

Yep, that was me, two years ago, now I have my own freelance brand, here’s how:

As you can see this works with all types of writing. Set the scene using emotions, drama, action, you know the things people love, and then add in your context.

Add this weapon into your writing kit and you’ll be firing that read ratio up in no time!

Thanks For Reading

Photo by Kid Circus on Unsplash

